My List O'Events


Senior Member
I've been meaning to do this, but a CQC'er asking questions about how to enhance his integration pushed me.

Here's a list of the events i'm currently using. I've got a feeling that some of these are redundant and could be merged, still shaking bugs out of some others, and there's a few i'm thinking I need but I haven't yet done. It is the current list, however.

There's 9 scheduled & 54 triggered. Actually I just deleted 2 that I was trying to use for the Elk phone integration, as I'm currently unable to get that working correctly. It's another one of those "round tuits" type things.

# Title
1) HVAC: Start at 7:10am on M/W/F
2) HVAC: Start at 7:20am on T/X
3) Lighting: DenFloor ON at 8pm on S/T/X/S
4) Lighting: DenFloor OFF at 11:30pm on S/T/X/S
5) Lighting: LivRmFloor ON at 8pm on M/W/F
6) Lighting: LivRmFloor OFF at 11:30pm on M/W/F

7) AV: Reload HD Trailer XML

8) Sprinkler: Turn on at 9pm on M/W/F
9) Sprinkler: Turn off at 9:15pm on M/W/F

# Title Description
1) AVCloset-777-Monitor Helps workaround the poor 777 protocol

2) Den-PushButton Light Switch Turn zwave light on/off with the pushbutton lightswitch on Elk

3) Elk Disarmed Reset the HouseIsArmed variable so "Motion Since Armed" state isn't set

4) Entry: AutoLightAfterDark Turn on Entry Light if there's motion after dark
5) Entry: ElkF6 Toggle Light Toggle the Entry Light if F6 is pressed

6) FamRm: AVPower If both the Denon and Concerto zone are on, set AVPower to true, else false
7) FamRm: AVSource Compound field to track Concerto & Denon source inputs
8) FamRm: IR Exit Intelligent control over IR
9) FamRm: IR Guide Intelligent control over IR
10) FamRm: IR Left Intelligent control over IR
11) FamRm: IR Menu Intelligent control over IR
12) FamRm: IR Pause Intelligent control over IR
13) FamRm: IR-Down Intelligent control over IR
14) FamRm: Ir-Enter Intelligent control over IR
15) FamRm: IR-Info Intelligent control over IR
16) FamRm: IR-Next Intelligent control over IR
17) FamRm: IR-Play Intelligent control over IR
18) FamRm: IR-Prev Intelligent control over IR
19) FamRm: IR-Right Intelligent control over IR
20) FamRm: IR-Stop Intelligent control over IR
21) FamRm: IR-Up Intelligent control over IR
22) FamRm: Start AV on Sage Play Make sure Denon is set correctly if Sage starts playing

23) On Burglar Alarm Turn on all lights, stereo zones, irrigation on alarm

24) Patio Switch Flipped Turn on patio concerto zone, set to XM, set XM to #20

25) HouseArmed15Mins TimeDelay field for "Motion since armed" fields

26) Timer: BRNook Motion Timers to set "Motion, Recent Motion, Since Armed, or None"
27) Timer: BRNook-Motion-Expired Timers to set "Motion, Recent Motion, Since Armed, or None"
28) Timer: Den Motion Timers to set "Motion, Recent Motion, Since Armed, or None"
29) Timer: Den-Motion-Expired Timers to set "Motion, Recent Motion, Since Armed, or None"
30) Timer: Door Front Motion Timers to set "Motion, Recent Motion, Since Armed, or None"
31) Timer: Door-Back Motion Timers to set "Motion, Recent Motion, Since Armed, or None"
32) Timer: Door-Basement-Motion Timers to set "Motion, Recent Motion, Since Armed, or None"
33) Timer: Door-Basement-Motion-Expired Timers to set "Motion, Recent Motion, Since Armed, or None"
34) Timer: Door-OuterFront-Motion Timers to set "Motion, Recent Motion, Since Armed, or None"
35) Timer:Door-OuterFront-Motion Expired Timers to set "Motion, Recent Motion, Since Armed, or None"
36) Timer: Entry Motion Timers to set "Motion, Recent Motion, Since Armed, or None"
37) Timer: Entry Motion Expired Timers to set "Motion, Recent Motion, Since Armed, or None"
38) Timer: Entry Motion Expired (1Min) Turn Entry Light off
39) Timer: FamRm Motion Timers to set "Motion, Recent Motion, Since Armed, or None"
40) Timer: FamRm Motion Expired Timers to set "Motion, Recent Motion, Since Armed, or None"
41) Timer: Hallway Motion Timers to set "Motion, Recent Motion, Since Armed, or None"
42) Timer: Hallway Motion Expired Timers to set "Motion, Recent Motion, Since Armed, or None"
43) Timer: KBR Motion Timers to set "Motion, Recent Motion, Since Armed, or None"
44) Timer: KBR Motion Expired Timers to set "Motion, Recent Motion, Since Armed, or None"
45) Timer: Kitchen Motion Timers to set "Motion, Recent Motion, Since Armed, or None"
46) Timer: Kitchen Motion Expired Timers to set "Motion, Recent Motion, Since Armed, or None"
47) Timer: LivDinRm Motion Timers to set "Motion, Recent Motion, Since Armed, or None"
48) Timer: LivDinRm Motion Expired Timers to set "Motion, Recent Motion, Since Armed, or None"
49) Timer: MBR Motion Timers to set "Motion, Recent Motion, Since Armed, or None"
50) Timer: MBR Motion Expired Timers to set "Motion, Recent Motion, Since Armed, or None"

51) Turn off House upon ArmedAway Turn off lights, stereos, etc.

52) MBR: Turn off Closet Light if door closed self-explanatory
53) MBR: Turn off Closet Light if Inactive for 15mins self-explanatory
54) MBR: Turn On Closet Light if door opened self-explanatory