I seriously hope that the person who came up with the Stickey Keys software idea for Windows will be fired and never work on an Operating System again. It doesn't matter how many times you disable this damn 'feature', heck, I even tried disabling it through the registry, tried it all, and it still keeps activating on all computers I use. This happens on most XP computers I have seen, and it always happens when it REALLY is the most inconvenient (i.e. entering of a password, or you are deleting a file, and all of a sudden all your files are selected). Judging by some messages on other forums, I am not the only one having this problem, but I seem to be running into this issue more and more lately, and it is getting pretty frustrating.
I seriously hope that the person who came up with the Stickey Keys software idea for Windows will be fired and never work on an Operating System again. It doesn't matter how many times you disable this damn 'feature', heck, I even tried disabling it through the registry, tried it all, and it still keeps activating on all computers I use. This happens on most XP computers I have seen, and it always happens when it REALLY is the most inconvenient (i.e. entering of a password, or you are deleting a file, and all of a sudden all your files are selected). Judging by some messages on other forums, I am not the only one having this problem, but I seem to be running into this issue more and more lately, and it is getting pretty frustrating.