TV over phone lines

"just a tad biased"...;)

I sympathize with you. Looks like you have some pretty deep burn marks. Its too bad that this seems to happen more and more, with the "jumping on the latest bandwagon" mentality that companies seem to have without seriously studying feasability or costs beforehand. The dot com crash of 2001 has brought back some sense of prudence to many but it looks like the old ways are creeping back in with some of the latest projects I see in the news. I'm thinking about the "inevitable" switch to voice over IP. Aside from potentially reducing costs to the major carriers, I don't see a huge advantage for the average user. Some people are going to get burned with this.
As some of you Friday chat partners know, I am looking for interesting job opportunities. A buddy of mine who works for them, suggested that I look at working at Verizon since they are on a big project to bring fiber to the residential markets. Here is the link ==> Verizon Fiber Installer Jobs

This would back up the original argument in the first post that the phone companies are looking to distribute TV to the home. These are real positions...

I'm more optimistic that they are finally getting serious with fiber. They are re-wiring my parents street with fiber, and a good buddy in Mass says that they are wiring his town. It's the TV part that I'm less saguine about.

But as I've noted, if Verizon said the sky is blue, I would prefer a second and third opinion. ;)