User Settings and 32A00-5


Active Member
On a whim, I've decided to look at User Settings. In PC Access, I renamed USER SETTING 1 to Wake Up Time, and changed the Type from Unused to Time. I wrote the changes to the controller, and the name change is reflected in NAME..USET, but I can't find where I can change the value from my Omnitouch With Video (32A00-5). According to the release notes, there's supposed to be a User Settings button in System..Setup, but all I have there is Screen Setup, System Setup, Clean Screen, and Program.

If it's like the regular 5.7e and 10p, you have to reload the screen using Automation Studio in order to make it pick up the newly defined user setting.
I don't think it is like the other touchscreens. There's no Automation Studio. The screens are canned.

Maybe I should cycle power. I haven't tried that.

It may not have the newer screens in it. You would need to OmniTouch Loader Kit (if you can find one) to update it. Also, your firmware on your panel has to be 3.0 or higher for those functions to work.
I updated my Omnitouch 5.7 firmware about a month ago. PlugnPlay with the USB port. It went through two reboots with the upgrade. I think one of the updates was the base FW to the HW and the other was the FW to the software. All is well since the update.

A bit different with the TTL connection on the 3.5" Omnitouch. It is well documented and is similar to JTAGing the FW. I tested it with my still unusable spare 3.5" which didn't talk to the network but the software OS was still there. It updated fine as I watched; but left me with a naked without SW Omnitouch 3.5". It was already unusable though; so it was just for "practice". Spare parts now; I know the screen and one of the two boards inside are still good; althought I am not totally sure which is the board providing the serial to panel communications (which is the part not working)
I think I'm starting to get it. I thought that all 32A00-5 screens were automatically updated by the Omni board. I guess it depends on when it was made.

My unit says "Screens Version 6". From what I can tell that isn't very recent.

I'll look for one of these loader kits online.

I requested the loader kit from HAI support and they emailed it. I made up a RS-232 cable. Apologies it is not TTL but rather RS-232 with just three wires.

I believe the OmniTouch 3.5 and just plain 5.7 are only updatable via direct connects (either USB dongle or RS-232 cable). As mentioned above the newer ones you can update via the network.
IE: Omnitouch 5.7e and 10p.

You might have the newest FW on your Omnitouch 3.5" as my Omnitouchload06 has two files:

1 - haito_006.bin
2 - setup.exe

Attached is the PDF to make a cable.


For those following this thread:

Following pete_c's lead, I too got HAI support to send me the updater program (very fast response btw). It does come with screens version 6 as the latest. However, when you run the installer, one of the options is to check for updates. It downloaded a bunch of stuff, including screens version 9, which is the latest. So I'm off to buy a kit or make a cable. Thanks to all who helped or tried to.

Only the OmniTouch 3.5 needs the cable/kit to update because it does not have a USB port.

The 5.7 (NOT 5.7e) has a USB port and is updated by downloading the latest firmware from our web site, copying it to a < 2GB thumb drive and inserting the thumb drive into the USB port on the touch screen. Then just follow the on screen instructions. (yes some bigger thumb drives work but for best compatibility we recommend thumb drives that are 2 GB or less)

For the 5.7e has a USB port but updating the firmware using a thumb drive basically resets it to the factory configuration and will loose any custom designs. You need Automation Studio to update the design.

Back to the original question:

For a 5.7 with video the User Settings should be under: System > Setup > User Settings.

For a 5.7 without video (and 3.5) the User Settings should be under: Setup > User Settings.

If you are not seeing this option please update you touch screen firmware.

I hope this helps.
Did you ever find out what the current version is? My screens are version 6 and for some reason don't have the audio button after video button. Where can we find recent updates to download?
Pete_c what is the connecter used on the the other side. Is it a rj45 pinned out on 1 2 3 ? I'm going to bulid my own cable.
pete_c said:
I requested the loader kit from HAI support and they emailed it. I made up a RS-232 cable. Apologies it is not TTS but rather RS-232 with just three wires.

I believe the OmniTouch 3.5 and just plain 5.7 are only updatable via direct connects (either USB dongle or RS-232 cable). As mentioned above the newer ones you can update via the network.
IE: Omnitouch 5.7e and 10p.

You might have the newest FW on your Omnitouch 3.5" as my Omnitouchload06 has two files:

1 - haito_006.bin
2 - setup.exe

Attached is the PDF to make a cable.
I haven't played with the 3.5" Omnitouch since bricking the last one; then went to Omnitouch 5.7 and 5.7e's.
That said I probably made something up real quick to play with it on the workbench.  (update the firmware).  I have a box o RS-232 9 pin female and male to RJ-45 devices unpinned.  Probably did make some up this way with the three wires going to a Cat5e to RS-232 end.  Correction above is TTS=>TTL
You can't mess anything up making up an RS-232 cable with the three wires.  I never have.
Curious what the latest firmware date/version is for the Omnitouch 5.7 and Omnitouch 5.7e's ?
With the version of firmware that I currently utilize relating to Video:
1 - Omnitouch 5.7's show a full screen when you touch the smaller screen of video.  (serial connection causes a bit of pixelation).
2 - Omnitouch 5.7e's default firmware show a little 4:3 video box in the middle of the screen.
3 - Omnitouch Pro MS software - current default with no mods and the video CCTV configuration on the OPII panel I get MS errors with video buttons configured for same links as OPII panel.
According to there site and
pete_c said:
I haven't played with the 3.5" Omnitouch since bricking the last one; then went to Omnitouch 5.7 and 5.7e's.
That said I probably made something up real quick to play with it on the workbench.  (update the firmware).  I have a box o RS-232 9 pin female and male to RJ-45 devices unpinned.  Probably did make some up this way with the three wires going to a Cat5e to RS-232 end.  Correction above is TTS=>TTL
You can't mess anything up making up an RS-232 cable with the three wires.  I never have.
Curious what the latest firmware date/version is for the Omnitouch 5.7 and Omnitouch 5.7e's ?
With the version of firmware that I currently utilize relating to Video:
1 - Omnitouch 5.7's show a full screen when you touch the smaller screen of video.  (serial connection causes a bit of pixelation).
2 - Omnitouch 5.7e's default firmware show a little 4:3 video box in the middle of the screen.
3 - Omnitouch Pro MS software - current default with no mods and the video CCTV configuration on the OPII panel I get MS errors with video buttons configured for same links as OPII panel.
After pulling the cover off the touchscreen the connector is located on front directly below the touch panel, I used a Dupont Jumper I had laying around. You could use almost any type of thin pin female connector. The setup looks like ---> [. . .]
pete_c said:
I haven't played with the 3.5" Omnitouch since bricking the last one; then went to Omnitouch 5.7 and 5.7e's.
That said I probably made something up real quick to play with it on the workbench.  (update the firmware).  I have a box o RS-232 9 pin female and male to RJ-45 devices unpinned.  Probably did make some up this way with the three wires going to a Cat5e to RS-232 end.  Correction above is TTS=>TTL
You can't mess anything up making up an RS-232 cable with the three wires.  I never have.
Curious what the latest firmware date/version is for the Omnitouch 5.7 and Omnitouch 5.7e's ?
With the version of firmware that I currently utilize relating to Video:
1 - Omnitouch 5.7's show a full screen when you touch the smaller screen of video.  (serial connection causes a bit of pixelation).
2 - Omnitouch 5.7e's default firmware show a little 4:3 video box in the middle of the screen.
3 - Omnitouch Pro MS software - current default with no mods and the video CCTV configuration on the OPII panel I get MS errors with video buttons configured for same links as OPII panel.
Pete_c what is the connecter used on the the other side. Is it a rj45 pinned out on 1 2 3 ? I'm going to bulid my own cable.
Sorry to dig up such an old thread. Does anyone have the OmniTouch Loader Kit software? Thanks in advance.

**EDIT** Thanks to the kind member who helped me out with this.
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