What device should I use to control the projector screen


New Member
Hi all,
I want to build a home theater. The first thing I am trying is to use ipad to control projector screen scroll up/down.
My screen has a remote module and can be controlled by IR controller.
The details are in the links(picture) below.



I am learning x10 protocol and global cache products these days. but still cannot figure out what device to choose for my projector screen.

Do you have any ideas? Thank you in advance.
Hi all,
I want to build a home theater. The first thing I am trying is to use ipad to control projector screen scroll up/down.
My screen has a remote module and can be controlled by IR controller.
The details are in the links(picture) below.



I am learning x10 protocol and global cache products these days. but still cannot figure out what device to choose for my projector screen.

Do you have any ideas? Thank you in advance.

I can't read the instructions - but you have only a few basic options depending on what software you will be using for your automation and what hardware you'll have.

If you have a computer in your theater (other than your ipad), you can use USB-UIRT to blast IR commands on queue or receive commands.
Just use your projector's trigger output to control the screen. Why complicate it with additional devices. Use your ipad to turn the projector on/off. The screen will take care of itself. Another benefit is the projector will lower the screen when it is ready, usually a few seconds of warm up before it comes on....
Thank you for your suggestions, standon and wuench,

I am considering to use these stuffs to do my job, maybe it seems a little complicated.

1. GC-100
2. GC IR blaster
3. GC IR learner

I plan to use GC IR learner to learn the projector IR code; use GC IR blaster to emit IR signal; use GC-100 to send commands to IR blaster; finally use ipad to control the GC-100.

If you happen to be familiar with Global cache products, please suggest me if these stuffs work for me?

Just use your projector's trigger output to control the screen. Why complicate it with additional devices. Use your ipad to turn the projector on/off. The screen will take care of itself. Another benefit is the projector will lower the screen when it is ready, usually a few seconds of warm up before it comes on....
What software do you plan to use with the GC-100 and GC-IRE? In order for all of this to work, you'll need a some sort of home automation software to work with the GC-100 and the GC-IRE. You'll likely need a PC on 24/7 to accomplish this task.

Here's a link to the free home automation software I use:

It works well with the GC products and is very powerful and open. I use the same components you are suggesting with it just fine.

However, as mentioned, it's much simpler to use your PJ's 12 volt trigger to operate the screen.

You may also consider the wifi based ITAC line global cache offers if you can't run cabling.
I have mine setup with a USB-Uirt and it works great. I use Girder and Netremote to control it from my Windows Mobile phone, laptop, pc, and my Insteon KPL. I use the KPL the most as one button on the wall turns everything on and drops the screen. However I noticed I don't keep that PC on to save electricity so I'm planning to switch to a Global Cache.