Changing Arm States with Rules without Disarming - Elk M1


New Member
I have a Elk M1 Gold and I would like to know if it is possible to write a rule to change the current arm state to another arm state without disarming the system. I currently have my system auto-arm at 9:00 pm every night to "Stay" mode. However, at 12:00 midnight I would like it to change to "Away" mode by using a rule. I have a two story house and we like to have the system arm itself automatically to protect the perimiter while we watch TV. By 12:00 the family is usually upstairs sleeping so thats when I would like the motions to turn on and stay on until the morning when we disarm. It seems that I am having trouble with this. Any suggestions?

What have you tried so far?

Should be able to be done, I don't have RP on this laptop, so I can't check for sure, but you could also run a couple of rules in the background to be invisible, such as at 11:59, turn off voice notifications, disarm then re-arm if mode hopping doesn't work.

Might be a function of if step arming is enabled or disabled in programming for the keypads