Temporarily Disable Tamper Alarm?


Active Member
I have a few 24 hour tamper alarms enabled for various boxes in my house such as my Elk can.  When I open it the alarm beeps due to the trouble condition.
Is there anyway I can enter a code in the keypad before I open the box to prevent the keypads from beeping?
My only idea was to not set it to a tamper and just a zone for automation and program some rules that get enabled and disabled.  But I am trying to keep things as simple as possible.
But my wife doesn't like when she or the baby are sleeping and I set off the alarm when I want to re-wire something.
I found http://cocoontech.com/forums/topic/27147-elk-m1g-zone-8-or-9-burglar-24-hr-how-to-access/ which had some good options that I will try.
Assuming a monitored system (really the only reason why I'd install supervised tampers on the panel) I'd assign to another area and then you won't get the beeps but get the reporting. Probably suggest driving a F-key for a status indication via rules.