OpenHAB / HAI Omni


Active Member
Due to the lack of decent Android apps for the HAI Omni, I'm working on getting OpenHAB up and running on a Raspberry Pi.  I'm a bit stuck, though.
I have everything installed, and the only addons I have in the addons directory are the "core" and the "Omnilink" addons.  The Omnilink addon is configured in the config file, and it seems to connect to the Omni when OpenHAB starts.  (I can see the system getting zone names, etc. from the Omni.)
Presumably, the Omnilink binding creates the sitemap, but I'm not sure what sitemap name to use when connecting to OpenHAB from the phone.
Does the Omnilink binding create the sitemap, or do I need to post-process something to create it?  I tried the demo sitemap last night, and it didn't connect, so maybe there is something else wrong.
Any pointers?
The Omnilink binding will auto create items (if "generateItems" property is true) but not the sitemap to display those items, reference .  You will have to take the generated list of items from the log file and create a [anyname].items file and save it to the config folder.  Then you can create a sitemap that will then be able to use the items in your .items file to control the omni units.  It takes a little getting used to but when you understand the basics it gets easier. 
I'm using OH2 and I did an initial item creation using the auto generate functionality when I was still on OH 1.8.  I haven't needed since then.  It's been a very stable platform for me, even with OH2 being in beta. 
Hope that helps.
It does help.  Thank you.
I have an items file now.  I also have a simple sitemap, but for some reason the phone doesn't find the sitemap.  I have the name called out in the URL, but it says that it can't find the default sitemap.  I need to do some more reading...
Are you using OpenHAB 1.8 or 2.0?
In 2.0 you have to define what you want as the default sitemap in the Paper UI/Configuration.  Also, I had to put the URL (http://yourIPaddress:8080) in both the Local URL and Remote URL fields in the app. 
I'm using 1.8.  I'll try adding the URL to the remote URL, too.  I haven't had much time to get back to this lately.  Hopefully soon!
Thanks for the pointers.
Hey guys I am trying to configure Omnilink with openhab.  I can't find the logs which show the devices nor can I find the omnilink.cfg file to make it auto populate.  Any suggestions?  This is a fresh install and I am connected and online with my omnipro!
Assuming you tried OH 1.8 before and are now on OH 2.1, you no longer have a config file and it doesn't autogenerate a text file anymore (yet?). OH 2 revolves around the Paper UI.  You can add items from there and copy and past the channel config for the .items file manually.  It is a bit laborious but so far the binding seems to be stable and working pretty good.
Personally, I used the file generated by OH 1.8 and modified the new channel format for the current version.
All fresh stuff! I am playing with .items and .sitemap but can't seem to get it working.  Can anyone give me an example of some of their switches so I can give it a try?
Here is a sample of my .items file:


Group:Switch:OR(ON, OFF) Lights         "Lights [%s]"      (All)
Group:Switch:OR(ON, OFF) Lights_FamilyRoom "Family Room [%s]"   (Lights)

Switch FamilyRoom_Switch     "Family Room [%s]" (Lights_FamilyRoom) {channel="omnilink:room:home:1:switch"}
Switch  FamilyRoom_OnScene   "Scene On [%s]"    (Lights_FamilyRoom)  {channel="omnilink:room:home:1:eek:n"}
Switch  FamilyRoom_OffScene  "Scene Off [%s]"   (Lights_FamilyRoom)  {channel="omnilink:room:home:1:eek:ff"}       
Switch  FamilyRoom_Scene_A   "Scene A [%s]"    (Lights_FamilyRoom)  {channel="omnilink:room:home:1:scene_a"}
Switch  FamilyRoom_Scene_B   "Scene B [%s]"    (Lights_FamilyRoom)  {channel="omnilink:room:home:1:scene_b"}
Switch  FamilyRoom_Scene_C   "Scene c [%s]"    (Lights_FamilyRoom)  {channel="omnilink:room:home:1:scene_c"}
Switch  FamilyRoom_Scene_D   "Scene D [%s]"    (Lights_FamilyRoom)  {channel="omnilink:room:home:1:scene_d"}
Number FamilyRoom_State "Family Room Lights [%s]" (Lights_FamilyRoom){channel="omnilink:room:home:1:state"}
Dimmer Lights_FamilyRoom_Ceiling_Switch "Ceiling [%s]" (Lights_FamilyRoom) {channel="omnilink:upb:home:2:level"}
Dimmer Lights_FamilyRoom_FanLight_Switch "Fan Light [%s]" (Lights_FamilyRoom) {channel="omnilink:upb:home:3:level"}
Dimmer Lights_FamilyRoom_Lamp_Switch       "Lamp [%s]"             (Lights_FamilyRoom) {channel="omnilink:upb:home:4:level"}
Dimmer Lights_FamilyRoom_CeilingFan_Switch   "Ceiling Fan [%s]"    (Lights_FamilyRoom) {channel="omnilink:upb:home:5:level"}
Dimmer Lights_FamilyRoom_NookLight_Switch   "Nook Light [%s]"      (Lights_FamilyRoom) {channel="omnilink:upb:home:6:level"}
Sample portion of my sitemap:

sitemap standard label="Miller Home (OH2)"
Frame label="Security"{
//Switch item=Areas_House_Mode label="Select Mode" icon="shield" mappings=["Off"="Off","Day"="Day","Night"="Night", "Away"="Away","Vacation"="Vacation"]

Selection item=AlarmStatusSelect label="Select Mode" icon="shield" mappings=[0="Off",1="Day",2="Night", 3="Away",4="Vacation"]
//Text item=ArmModeDisarm

Text item=AlarmMode label="Current Alarm Status" icon="house"

Switch item=Buttons_Garage2Btn label="Right Garage Door" icon="garagedoor" mappings=[ON="Push"]
Text item=Zones_GarageDrRight_Current label="Right Garage Door" icon="garagedoor"

Switch item=Buttons_Garage1Btn label="Left Garage Door" icon="garagedoor" mappings=[ON="Push"]
Text item=Zones_GarageDrLeft_Current label="Left Garage Door" icon="garagedoor"

Switch item=Buttons_ClsGateBtn label="Gate" icon="gate" mappings=[ON="Push"]
Text item=Zones_Gate_Current label="Gate" icon="gate"

Group item=Zones label="Unsecure Zones" icon="house"
Group item=Areas label="General Areas" icon="house"


So you are using an Items file right?
What about the sitemap?  How do you get the items to show in paper?
I use the .items file to create the sitemap.  That portion hasn't changed in OH2. To get the items "online" go to the PaperUI and select the "+" button.  Select the Omnilink binding.  I think you have to manually add the first time so you can add the "Controller".  This item is where you will add your IP address and keys.
After you add the controller you can go back to the "+" and select the omnilink binding and it will automatically find all of your devices. 