Arduino & Home Automation

I am not familiar with that family but it appears the MSP430G2X53 series (such as the 2553) is 20 pin and has a UART and I2C. You might want to take another look.
Yes, the MSP430 Launchpad comes with a MSP430G2553 that has UART, I2C and SPI
It's also a 16 bit micro instead of the 8 bit micro of Arduino.

The Stellaris Launchpad is a ARM based and not available in DIP

Biggest difference for both of the Launchpads from Arduino is they use 3.3 volt I/O instead of 5.

I was thinking your board could connect with the headers and/or ribbon cable to the Launchpad rather than use a DIP socket for the TI chips.. is a good user site for the MSP430. The forums are great if you have questions. The site owner also has a forum for the Stellaris

Header pin-out is here
The 20pin MSP430G2X53 looks promising. I've zero experience with the MSP line (I'm a PIC expert

Much like an Arduino, it seems the HW serial port is used for the built in? bootloader as shown on this page
Also the I2C is available. It barely has enough I/O but it has enough.

I'll put a 20pin DIP socket on the PCB if the following can be answered.
  1. Will this run sans crystal (internal osc)?
  2. What pins aside from TX/RX are required for bootloader operation.
  3. Can I use any bog standard 3.3V USB to serial with TX,RX,DTR & CTS (Arduino)
  4. Does it have PWM out?
  5. Does it have an external timer input (for a 3.6864MHz source?