Elk M1 Touchscreen Problem


New Member
I have a question that I hope you can help me with.

On my Elk M1 touchscreen, from the Windows startup page, there is a 'Start' panel on the bottom left of the screen. In this panel, at the very bottom, there is an option to 'Suspend.'

I accidentally pressed 'Suspend' & now that screen, of two in my residence, will not turn back on.

I've power cycled it, unplugged it, reset it, all to no avail.

I spoke with an Elk representative a little bit ago, who told me to unplug the screen, but as I said, no luck.

Thanks in advance for any and all help!
I've run into a similar problem tonight and wrote to ELK support.

In my case, I didn't touch anything in Windows CE though. I only noticed my screen was blank all of a sudden and thought my ELK-TS07 had lost power. So I pushed the reset button, but I saw no changes. Then I decided to remove power to the screen and restart the system. That didn't help either.

I don't know about you, but when I touch my screen, it still beeps in the usual places. Like ELKRMS has actually started. I just can't see it on the screen anymore.
Can you ping the screen from other machines on the network? It sounds like maybe the LCD backlighting component has died. If that's the case, you should be able to see the screen if you look in the right angle, while shining a flashlight in another angle (you'll have to experiment).
I can ping my TS07 without any problem. And it seems ELKRMS still works because I accidentally opened a garage door while touching the screen randomly.

Looks like my problem is the LCD. Or maybe my PoE power injector has gotten weak. I don't have the original TS07 power supply to see if bad PoE is the culprit. Any ideas? Whatever I do with the flashlight does not seem to work.
My first thought for tratidore was the same thing Dan said... obviously your touchscreen and the brains are working fine - but the display is dead. If you still don't see anything with a flashlight it's the whole display, not just the backlight - odd that they'd go out together.

Depending on age, I'd check with Elk to see if they'll warranty it - otherwise it's kinda shot anyways, so I'd carefully open it up and check the ribbon connections before ordering a replacement.
I sent it to ELK and I was told something appears to have gone bad with the LCD backlight. They're sending the TS07 back to me. Does anyone think I can open this thing up and find a replacement screen?

If not, I was thinking about mounting an iPad in-wall, instead of paying top dollars for a brand new TS071. But I believe eKeypad does not work in Landscape mode. ): Any suggestions?
If not, I was thinking about mounting an iPad in-wall, instead of paying top dollars for a brand new TS071. But I believe eKeypad does not work in Landscape mode. ): Any suggestions?
It does in Blueprint mode and supports multiple custom screens.
Thanks for pointing that out. Unfortunately, it would probably take me forever to make a floor plan that looks any good because I have no artistic sense. And I did not find much information about how the Blueprint module works. Jayson's products work very well, but it seems he's a little behind schedule as far as the documentation is concerned. (-; Shelling out $50 is hard to justify when you're not sure something will meet your needs.

Still, I think I'd be satisfied with the standard layout of Portrait mode applied somehow to Landscape mode.
I finally took a few minutes to disassemble the back plate and shine the flashlight from part of the back/side. I can see ELMRMS!!!

Can the backlight be fixed somehow? I don't know how an LCD is made and I wonder if it's possible to replace a part, a board, or something else that might bring this unit back to life.
This is probably something for the hardware gurus, but i know on traditional LCD's the backlight can be replaced; I've done it on laptops enough times. It's just a matter of finding out the exact part. I believe Elk OEM's these from someone else and wouldn't know/have the parts... but I could be wrong.