ElkRP and Windows 8


I installed Windows 8 on my laptop, and one the issues I have noticed is that I cannot connect to secure port 2601 on ELKRP ver 2.0.16. If I change it to port 2101 it connects to my M1XEP. Nothing else has changed in my configuration. Other devices such as my IPAD connect fine through secure port 2601, so I am 99.9% sure it is my windows upgrade that is cause the issue. Has anyone else seen this issue? If so have you found a work around? Thanks
Have you checked the Firewall Settings to see if the ElkRP application is allowed? I have Windows 8 but haven't purchased a HA/security system yet. I'll try to help if I can.

Windows Firewall --> Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall


EDITED - The more I think about this, I don't think this applies but I'm not familiar enough with how the ElkRP application communicates.
I have MacAfee and have tried turning the firewall off. My windows firewall notes it is managed by macafee I should have mentioned the error message I am getting is "Could not initialize secure connection"
Mine wouldn't load, says it needs DotNet 2.0. Win 8 has 4.5 by default and is not backward compatible with 2.0. Did you load 3.5 (which is backward compatible with 2.0)?

Check that you have installed the .NET 3.5 framework feature in Windows 8.

I have the same problem with a Windows 7 upgraded to Windows 8. I turned off the firewall in Windows 8 for both private and public networks and it still doesn't connect. I fired up a new installation of ELKRP2 on an older Windows XP machine using the secure port without any issues connecting to the M1XEP. ELKRP2 seems to run fine, just can't connect to the M1XEP

I also tried running ELKRP2 as "Run as administrator"..... no success either.

Not sure what else to try

I installed Windows 8 on my laptop, and one the issues I have noticed is that I cannot connect to secure port 2601 on ELKRP ver 2.0.16. If I change it to port 2101 it connects to my M1XEP. Nothing else has changed in my configuration. Other devices such as my IPAD connect fine through secure port 2601, so I am 99.9% sure it is my windows upgrade that is cause the issue. Has anyone else seen this issue? If so have you found a work around? Thanks
Can you change the secure port for the XEP? I see in ElkRP it allows you to input a different port.

Port 2601 is listed by the IANA as reserved for "discp-client". I wonder if Windows 8 handles that differently than Windows 7. There is some info to help troubleshoot it here: http://www.corrupted...client.asp

You can at least check to see if something is already bound to port 2601 on your PC. It might be the case that there is, and when you try to access port 2601 its not actually getting to the XEP. Im not sure if there is a Windows Service that corresponds with "discp-client", I didnt see anything with a quick Google. If there is a service it might be as simple as disabling it to see if your access starts working.

Instead of just turning off Windows firewall, have you tried going in and adding inbound/outbound rules for the port? That might help (and might allow you to leave the firewall on too)
Outbound connections, which are more trusted, are not typically locked down, only inbound. If MS started locking down outbound connections that is going to break a lot of stuff.

More likely it is a software compatibility issue with something like whatever SSH libraries Elk used. You could rule out ElkRP itself by downloading a terminal app like Putty and trying to telnet to the ELK on port 2601 and see if you can connect.
Well, I finally had a chance to take a first stab at it; got .Net 2.0-3.5 installed, but same as others, it won't connect.

I don't expect it to be the firewall; often the computer can work around outgoing ports; it just can't have multiple things listening on the same port.

I'll keep poking around when I have some more time.
I have logged a ticket with Elk. It has not been tested with Windows 8 yet. It is being sent back to the development group, and they will be looking into it, although no timelines were given. I will update as I get more information from ELK.
Win8 is a big change. I plan to stay away for at least a couple of years. I know of several apps and services that aren't compatible, some of MS's own business apps and services don't work with it at this point.
Win8 is a big change. I plan to stay away for at least a couple of years. I know of several apps and services that aren't compatible, some of MS's own business apps and services don't work with it at this point.

I just switched this weekend, did a new install and have been moving a ton of products over, and I have been pleasantly surprised. So far the only thing not working is a Brother printer's utility software and ELKRp. All my photography stuff worked, even those that directly connect to the camera to control it, monitor calibration software, lots of odds and ends.

You are right to be cautious, but it's not nearly the big change some of their past ones have been in terms of internal architecture.

Now the user interface is a huge change, and awful IMO. They gave in to tablets entirely, and have made it very annoying for anyone with a mouse.

Thanks for this topic -- kept me from chasing around after this issue; switched to non-secure port and all worked fine.