ELKRP2 Software locking up.

Is anyone experiencing the ELKRP2 Software (ver. 2.0.18) locking up after they try to check for updates. After I open the software and open an account I sometimes check for software updates. After I do that the check for updates bar comes up and then closes after about 5 seconds and then the software is totally locked up. I have to manually shutdown the software through task manger. After I open it back up its fine until I check for updates again. This has seem to happen after I enrolled a newly installed ELK-M1XSP. I have since uninstalled the M1XSP but the software still locks up after a check for updates.
Anyone else run into this situation before?
I just checked for updates and didn't experience a lock up. What OS are you using? Other software running?
Did you try running the ElkRP2 as an administrator?  It shouldn't be necessary for XP but it worked for me with Windows 7...
I am listed as the administrator. I'm thinking of saving the data an uninstalling RP2 and then reinstalling to see if that resolves the issue. Is there any special issues I need to know about to transfer the data to a thumb drive before uninstalling the software?
If you're talking about the DB, you need to make sure you know all the security details for the DB, otherwise you won't be able to merge or import the DB of the existing installation, or I should say, be able to open it.
Relatively straightforward.
Had the same problem with Windows 7. I turned off check for updates to fix. I think the issue stems from the software not being able to find the update servers.
The software has been increasingly unstable the last two releases for me, not sure what's going on.
I can't say it's been unstable for me, I have it running on multiple machines and OS in all flavors, from XP SP2, all the way up to Win 7 (I'm avoiding 8 like the plague right now) and I can't say it's been anything solid.
The best I can say is you might want to check your config on the specific system, but I never had to disable or turn anything off. Another integrator I know has had issues, but it stems from how they image their machines. YMMV.