Faliure to Launch


New Member
I have the HAI Omni IIe system and the PC Access software. I have able to connect to the system by loading the software on my PC- check.
I named by thermostats- check. Now I need to write the program for each thermostat in PC Access- not so much.

I think I have a disconnect somewhere. When I go to the Status drop down I see thermostats but the icon is grey. Does that mean the system
does not see the thermostats?

I think I need some help to get started. Is there a place to "cut and paste" some basic automation logs to program things like thermostats, lights, ect?
What advice can you give me to get me off the ground. Thanks!
It sounds like you have not updated your IIe with the new program you wrote. You need to connect to it from PC Access and upload all the changes you made.