Haiku Haiku/Space seem dead - what are you migrating to?

I would hope that those of us that $paid$ again for "space" (truth in naming, as  it WAS/IS a vacuum)...
are not required to pay a third time. I don't mind supporting a developer but it's a two way street... tag... you're it.
@ haiku users 
Anyone tested "formally known as haiku" with iOS 10 and "previously abandoned haiku helper" on MacOS 10.12?
I would love to update but I depend on haiku daily and can't chance breaking them.
I haven't tried to update my mini yet for HH. May wait on that one as I don't use that box for a lot of things besides being a server
Thanks @networkcrasher...  I updated the iPad first and homekit looks like a good start with some of the devices I already have installed so I updated my iPhone... haiku seems to be ok on iOS 10 so far... we'll see.  I'll be testing haiku until lup's big surprise and report if I have a problem... no news is good news.  Sierra is not out until the 20th... maybe someone here has run the GM preview and can vouch for haiku helper on MacOS 10.12.
String said:
I would hope that those of us that $paid$ again for "space" (truth in naming, as  it WAS/IS a vacuum)...
are not required to pay a third time. I don't mind supporting a developer but it's a two way street... tag... you're it.
You have to admit, "SPACE" does mean "devoid of content" so in many ways, it was named correctly.
ano said:
You have to admit, "SPACE" does mean "devoid of content" so in many ways, it was named correctly.
Yeah thats the wrong attitude.  Space exists and you bought it.  Is it good? Yeah.  Is it great, no?  Its almost like Haiku but buyer beware.  The fact is there is nothing else better - snaplink sucks.  Haiku is still by far the best.  I used 1password on IOS for my password storage.  I paid for it and I could continue to use it.  If I wanted to upgrade and use the next version I had to pay.  Application lifecycle / sales has really ruined the market.  You might have bought Office 95 but it didn't entitle you to 97.99,2000.... All the way up to today.  Sure the underlying OS changes and you are almost forced to upgrade but you have to pay to play.  This is cheap $50?! Come on.  And you can run it on as many devices as you want.  I run it on something like 15 devices.  Thats insane.  Try that with Crestron or Control4 thats BIG BUCKS...
If he released a version comparable but faster we would ALL pay.  If he offered a version that worked with Siri 6 months later we would ALL pay.  I can't tell you how many times I wish I could say "Hey Siri turn on the alarm" or Hey Siri open the middle garage door" 
Apologies if this is off-topic, but while Siri integration is not currently possible, my Amazon Echo and Dot do a nice job of controlling (parts of) HAI via HaikuHelper.
I would love to discuss this in another thread on this board how you set this up.  Still my problem is using the phone in my pocket to open a door when my hands are very full! :)
heffneil said:
Yeah thats the wrong attitude.  Space exists and you bought it.  Is it good? Yeah.  Is it great, no?  Its almost like Haiku but buyer beware.  The fact is there is nothing else better - snaplink sucks.  Haiku is still by far the best.  I used 1password on IOS for my password storage.  I paid for it and I could continue to use it.  If I wanted to upgrade and use the next version I had to pay.  Application lifecycle / sales has really ruined the market.  You might have bought Office 95 but it didn't entitle you to 97.99,2000.... All the way up to today.  Sure the underlying OS changes and you are almost forced to upgrade but you have to pay to play.  This is cheap $50?! Come on.  And you can run it on as many devices as you want.  I run it on something like 15 devices.  Thats insane.  Try that with Crestron or Control4 thats BIG BUCKS...
If he released a version comparable but faster we would ALL pay.  If he offered a version that worked with Siri 6 months later we would ALL pay.  I can't tell you how many times I wish I could say "Hey Siri turn on the alarm" or Hey Siri open the middle garage door" 
Its not so much about if people would pay or not.  Projects like these are built because someone has interest and occasionally because its a business.  If a project like this is super successful, maybe they sell 50 at $50 each, which after Apple's take is maybe $2000.  This is how much a software developer could make in a day or two in a "real" job.  So designing software like this is not a real money-maker.  People do it for the love of it when they have time.  SPACE really wasn't bad and most of the complaints could have been fixed pretty easily.  But when you are designing for "fun" fixing the old stuff is never as fun as designing new stuff.  Its the same Snaplink as well.
heffneil said:
Yeah thats the wrong attitude.  Space exists and you bought it.  Is it good? Yeah.  Is it great, no?  Its almost like Haiku but buyer beware.  The fact is there is nothing else better - snaplink sucks.  Haiku is still by far the best.  I used 1password on IOS for my password storage.  I paid for it and I could continue to use it.  If I wanted to upgrade and use the next version I had to pay.  Application lifecycle / sales has really ruined the market.  You might have bought Office 95 but it didn't entitle you to 97.99,2000.... All the way up to today.  Sure the underlying OS changes and you are almost forced to upgrade but you have to pay to play.  This is cheap $50?! Come on.  And you can run it on as many devices as you want.  I run it on something like 15 devices.  Thats insane.  Try that with Crestron or Control4 thats BIG BUCKS...
If he released a version comparable but faster we would ALL pay.  If he offered a version that worked with Siri 6 months later we would ALL pay.  I can't tell you how many times I wish I could say "Hey Siri turn on the alarm" or Hey Siri open the middle garage door" 
I have paid to upgrade 1pass each and every time the developer required it. Fantastic app. Omnifocus... I'd make donations to their children, if they needed it. I certainly have never complained of a paid upgrade. Last time I checked both of those apps still "exist" on the app store and I'll pay the next time the developers require it. I'm not cheap but I'm not a fanboy.  it's about the principle.
I invested in "Space" with the promise that the helper app was soon to follow. I contributed to the developer so he could make it happen.  I continued to use haiku helper (on older OS) and the iOS app that it supports, after donating the money for "Space".  I waited and nothing ever happened.  Sure, I'll pay again but there is the past issue of the vaporware helper app. 
You said "space exists". Have you looked at the app store and found it? Does the website look like something exists for iOS push integration with a Lutron panel? Maybe I missed something. It has been dead silent, hence this thread now exists.  I will support lup and any future upgrade just as soon as I see some form of push notification, as "Space" was marketed in the first place. That is not a bad attitude... it's good common sense.
Absolutely no disrespect to you, other posters or the developer is intended in this post.
I didn't mean any disrespect either.  A couple of points:
We have to be willing to pay for upgrades or they won't exist.  I don't know what the user base is here but its probably not large enough to make his venture profitable and if so very little.  Also I get the impression Maksim has programming skills but he has a team working behind him to create the awesome apps we are using.  I really don't have too many issues with Haiku today except for the lack of customization.  I would say I have some issues with the Omni panel that I wish they would resolve in the future.  
Space was functional, but very disappointing compared to Haiku. I rarely use Space (as in maybe once every couple of months), but I use Haiku every day several times a day. Adjusting to the unpleasant white background in Haiku has been difficult, especially for wall mounted iPads that now light up the entire room at night, but the functionality and ease of use of the app outweigh the cosmetic deficiencies. If the "new" app that's presumably replacing Space is an improvement over Haiku, I will certainly pay for it, but Haiku set the bar fairly high, so it's going to take a lot to make me feel like it's a big improvement. Space kind of made a dent in my confidence that "newer is better". I really do hope that the new app is a winner. The OmniPro ecosystem is starting to feel really dated compared to the rapidly advancing competing products. A new iOS app that's well executed could bring new life to the entire OmniPro environment.

Maybe one day there will also be native support for Amazon's Alexa in the OmniPro line? My current Hue Bridge / OpenHab interface at least gives me decent voice control over my Z-Wave lights, but a tighter integration without the patched together community developed components would be nice, and I can't see how HAI can continue to compete if they don't start embracing some of these more modern interfaces.