Help with Basic Rule Trigger Any Rule - Elk M1 Gold


New Member
Hello All,

I apologize for asking help for such a simple rule but I am pulling my hair out trying to find what I am looking for in the RP software. I have an Elk M1 gold with the ELK-M1XEP. Everything works and my other rules are working and notifying my via email and text. However, I am trying to write a rule that simple emails or texts when any zone has been triggered. I can't seem to find a statement for an "any" rule in there. All I see are rules for each individual zones which would require multiple rules. Can anyone point me in the right direction and help me with writing a working rule? Thanks!
Thanks! That points me in the right direction. I had a hard time finding exactly what verbiage I needed to use out of the predefined menu. I was using the Burglar Trouble Any, which didn't work.