HIFI2 Sources Challenges

Hi guys, 
I have successfully wired and set up my HIFI2 8x8 matrix in my home.   I also have hooked the HIFI2 into the HAI Omnipro2 system 
But i am stuck on sources.  I was able to connect an IPAD through a 3.5 Male connector into the HIFI2 RIM Source slot, however, it limits me in a way.   
A) I have to keep the IPAD there and logged into Pandora, Itunes, etc. 
B) Has to be powered up all the time.
My goals are to have the following accessible as sources: 
1) Pandora
2) Itunes
3) Local NAS Server with music on it
4) etc...
I have a sizable switch so id prefer to do it all via that (LAN) if possible instead of the antiquated connector.  I also dont want VSC or RIM's all over the house.   Any ideas? 
Use an iPad touch, or several, for Pandora, etc.

I like the Squeezebox for playing my MP3 library because of the display.

Whatever you use I think you still have to get the audio in through the stereo connectors.
Yes that seems to be my problem.   (or where my knowledge is deficient) So if i have a Apple TV as an example, do i plug the Ethernet cable into switch and the sound into the HIFI2 system and then just name that source? Or can the HIFI2 system work through the network to the HIFI?
All of the audio source inputs are via stereo plugs on the board or remote panels (or bluetooth via a bluetooth remote panel).
An iPad or iPod, or Sonos or Squeezebox, is the same way - ultimately the audio has to go out to ear buds or speakers or an amp.
Audio is analog.  Something has to switch the audio signals to the amp(s) even if the audio starts as digital.
The HiFi board is essentially a multi source/zone audio receiver.
ya unfortunately there's nothing there that's smart enough to get audio in over the network - that's just a control medium.
An Apple Airport Express however would serve as an airplay target - connected via RCA's -  then you can be anywhere in the house with an iPhone in your pocket streaming pandora or other music - and the audio quality is excellent.  
Bluetooth audio quality sucks unfortunately and has a pretty limited range so I'd avoid that. 
Sonos connect was mentioned - that'd work too, or squeezebox; 
The other good thing with the iPhone/airport Express (or apple TV or airport or anything else that has airplay built in) is that if you have a separate PC with iTunes accessing a huge NAS library, you can still use an iPhone as the remote to iTunes which can in turn be directed over the network to the AirPlay target device - so all these media sources can actually go through one physical connection to the hifi - unless of course you want more than one such device going simultaneously; in which case you could add 2-3 airplay targets then you can stream your pandora to one zone, wife can stream her ipod music to hers, and a kid can stream from their itunes pc to a 3rd zone.
Thanks... So probably a really dumb question, but i have a iTouch plugged through the earbuds into HIFI2... All good works fine to any zone.   However, how do i control the songs on the iTouch from a computer or different iPhone... I cant see any of the meta data.... I must be missing something...  
Thanks again! 
If you get an airport express, you can plug that into the hifi2, then the ipad touch can be in your pocket or anywhere in the house - then it's the remote and the source at the same time.
That won't get the metadata into hifi though - not much I can suggest there.
Thanks for all the input... getting closer...
So next challenge.... I have AppleTV which has a Optical Output connection.  I bought a Optical to RCA cable (type) to plug into the input source of the HIFI2.   But i can't get the Apple TV to blast out through the HIFI2... 
Things Ive Done: 
1) Set up source in HIFI2 and enabled it. 
2) turned zone and volume on for that source. 
3) Fired up Apple TV and played song from AirPlay (from my iTunes on mac)
4) verified it was playing on local monitor (connected to iTunes via HDMI) 
any thoughts ?  Much appreciated. 
Can you post a link to this optical to RCA converter?  That would be my first guess of where something is borked up.
To make sure the input is working right, can you plug something else into the input on the HiFi2 that you are using and hear sound?
Also, make sure on the Apple TV settings that you have disabled the Dolby Digital or 5.1 output.  You want regular stereo PCM.
Must have to do with the optical output on the new Apple TV.... the old Apple TV with the standard RCA cable works just fine...
I mis spoke... its a optical output to at 3.5mm end... (but that still dowsnt work...) 