Source suggestions for HAI Hi-Fi 2 system


Senior Member
I am starting to install my Hi-Fi 2 8x8 system and am wondering what others are using for sources.
Looking for suggestions.

It appears the Music Gateway has been discontinued.
I have iPods, Squeezebox, etc. Omni voice will be source 8.
I would like access to my MP3 library and internet radio stations.
My Thecus NAS has an iTunes server on it, but I don't know how to interface it with the Hi-Fi 2.
May be no reason for over the air AM/FM tuner(s) as I orignially thought of.
Is there a panel mount solution like the Music Gateway from another manufacturer?
Anything with working transport controls?

I realize some of that can be played locally via the RIMs, but what do you all have hooked up to the sources themselves?

Here using iTunes on Mac that also runs HaikuHelper, to navigate the library we use an app called Remote from the iPhones/pads. You can also get an iPod dock as a source, then the metadata will be passed to Haiku and omnitouch screens. Third channel is served by a squeezebox. Also, still using media player from a Homeseer computer. This gives us 3 independent music channels. One source is connected to a Denon amplifier to distribute voice from the home theater, and another to the voice output from HAI. The remaining sources are connected to local input modules.
Is the iPod Dock the only thing that uses the transport controls from the RSCs? (and 5.7e)

Do the bluetooth RIMs pass the transport controls to the device via bluetooth?
I have a couple bluetooth devices; speakers, head phones, that have transport controls passed through to the device, I'm wondering if the RIMs operate similarly.
Get a Raspberry Pi, run Squeezelite on it so it looks like a Squeezebox.  Then use iPeng on your phone, or HaikuHelper to send commands from Omni events.