OmniPro II UPB problem

Last year I helped a friend install an OmniPro II in his second home.  He recently wanted to add some basic UPB functionality so I got him the parts he needed, helped him program and test the modules (using UPStart), and sent him on his way to install them (we also connected remotely to the OmniPro II and did the UPB configuration). He hasn't been able to get them working from the OmniPro II (although they work fine from UPStart), and I haven't been able to figure out why (I haven't been able to make it to the location, so I've been diagnosing remotely). Here is his description of the symptoms:
Problem:  Omni Pro II not communicating via serial port to PIM, so UPB on/off devices aren’t working.
PIM indicator light is green.
Serial Port on Omni shows no indicator;  prior to taking PIM out of Pulse mode, the serial light was solid red.
In Dealer Access PC Setup, first 16 units all have same UPB configuration;  when Unit 1 is changed to UPB, the next 15 change too.  In Dealer Access PC Status/Control (connected via internet) only the two named units show up, but they don’t respond to commands.
Any suggestions on what might be wrong or things to try?
1 - validate that the HAI UPB PIM is functioning with Upstart / serial cable to a computer.
2 - said #1 using the HAI provided RJ cable from the HAI UPB PIM to a serial port on the OP2 panel and properly configured with PCA you should not have any issues.
3 - if you #1 and #2 are not functioning then it might be a bad HAI UPB PIM.  Early on here did have a bad UPB PIM which caused me much grief.
Note when configuring the UPB switches with PCA, save the configuration and upload it to the panel.  If you do not do this then your UPB configuration will not work.  Note that the Unit ID numbers have to match the UPB device numbers.