Relative newbie in need of assistance

So, I've changed to reporting via IP and now am getting an Ethernet trouble message on my keypads. I can access my m1xep without any issues and my ekeypad iPads are connected constantly with no issues. Any thoughts?
Has the M1 been able to communicate via ethernet to the monitoring service at all, and have they confirmed that they see the communication?  They should be able to help you trouble shoot this.
What monitoring service are you using?
I have to call on Monday evening. Apparently the weekend folk don't know how to help with IP based reporting technical support.

Should I just arm the system and then open a door and not enter my password until the siren goes off to test if the alarm is reporting?

I'm using The Monitoring Centre
Not an IT expert. The alarm company provided me with the IP address and port for the reporting, and I added in my account number. It's the DSC format.

Anything specifc I need to configure?
Basically everything on P11 of the XEP manual. They should provide values to you.
Check your firewall, make sure the ports that need to be open are open. Make sure your ISP is not blocking the ports. Check the heartbeat with them.
As I asked, are you connecting to the XEP via the LAN or WAN when you use the Ipad and what have you?
There are no instructions in the manual about needing to port forward. Is there somewhere I can look.

I've set up the lan and wan already. I think all is good there. I connect my iPads on the lan and some of the time I can connect through the wan with my ekeypad
You are not going to get a step by step how to for a DIY in the manuals. Also, basic networking and common sense should dictate how the XEP needs to get bidirectional to the outside world. The manual is quite clear where their configuration and support ends within the first couple of pages.
Did you test with the CS to confirm 100% operation? Are the ports that the XEP requires open to the outside?
The fact that you state that you can only connect on the WAN some of the time is pointing to an issue.
Could be a missing heartbeat signal or something else, but you need to make 100% sure your configuration is correct and functional to the outside world before you can point elsewhere.
Still waiting for my alarm company to get back to me....  they do accept reporting by IP, but only 2 senior techs know how to program it.  Silly. 
Another question:
I have a wireless sensor for one door.  I've set the motion sensor near that door to "follower" mode, but even with the slight delay of the wireless sensor, whenever I enter the house, the motion sends a signal before the wireless sensor does, and my alarm goes off.  Anything I can do?  I couldn't find any delay setting for the motion, that would be convenient. 

Are you sure the sensor on the door that the motion sensor is following is set as burglar entry/exit 1 or 2 with an appropriate delay and that it is not the door opening setting off the alarm?
It is the door opening that is setting off the alarm. 
Door is entry/exit 1 and motion is set to follower, but when I open the door, before the wireless signal is received, the motion picks up the door opening and immediately sounds the alarm.  So, every time I come home, I have the sirens go off!
So what you are saying is that the movement of the door as it opens is tripping the motion sensor, not that the opening of the door is setting off the alarm, correct?  What is the entry delay time specified in Menu 3?
And I assume you know this because the Elk tells you which zone has been violated and it reports the motion not the door zone?
Are the batteries in the door sensor good?  Have you tried masking/blocking the motion sensor to see if that changes anything?