Wireless receiver installation for HAI Omni Pro


New Member
I replaced an Omni II with an Omni II Pro so I could add an additional HVAC zone, and though I have no prior experience, all is working OK.
However, I am now trying to add a wireless receiver, but am unclear how to proceed. The instructions for the receiver have you connecting the receiver to the four contacts for the "Console". However, our house has 3 touch pads that are connected to these contacts. Do you also connect the wireless receiver to these contacts, or does the connection need to be done in another way?
I'd appreciate help with this, as all the instructions I have found assume you have a lot more knowledge with these systems than I do!
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Its an RS485 network.
All of the devices connect to the A and B legs so they can communicate.
The Expansion Enclosure connects the same way.

Its a bit tricky. It adds like an expansion console, in fact it can be up to 4 of them.  Do you have the Leviton wireless receiver or the GE wireless version? 
I haven't gotten a receiver yet; I wanted to do the research first, but it looks like I have to get the GE because what I need are wireless smoke detectors so that we can have centrally monitored fire protection. Currently, all we have is central monitoring for intrusion protection.
tgoodman said:
I haven't gotten a receiver yet; I wanted to do the research first, but it looks like I have to get the GE because what I need are wireless smoke detectors so that we can have centrally monitored fire protection. Currently, all we have is central monitoring for intrusion protection.
I think you can get smoke detectors for both, but the GE is a good choice. Lots of sensors available. The others are proprietary to Leviton so more expensive.