1 IR emitter 2 control devices


I am working on setting up the IR control for my house and was wondering if anyone has 2 devices sending IR to a single emitter. I sm currently using a reciever, connecting block and emitter setup that is great. What I want to do now is also have the option to control everything from netremote/girder. My original plan was to have 2 emitters on each device but that isnt going to work. Has anyone spliced 2 different output devices to a single IR emitter? Am I barking you the wrong tree? I have done some research but havnt found a good way to make it work.
I've done this a few times. Connecting blocks usually have a 1/8" input for IR and also a hardwire option. Use both. I have several Russound systems that are being fed from the whole house audio system and also the theater to control one set of components.