ActiveHome USB X10 Controller CM15A


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ActiveHome USB X10 Controller CM15A
Anyone have any experience with using one of these with HomeSeer 1.7.x? I am not sure if it will work as the "powerlink USB" or not.
Jeff is correct. X10 would release an SDK for the device so HomeSeer passed on support.
Jeff is correct. X10 would release an SDK for the device so HomeSeer passed on support.

Thanks for the info guys, I wasn't sure. Saw one in the Deals sub forum for $10, and figured I would ask before getting it.
Jeff is correct. X10 would release an SDK for the device so HomeSeer passed on support.

You mean they wouldn't release an SDK? The CM15A has an SDK and it was SUPER easy to interface to. It was the first HA controller I interfaced to. It was a Godsend compared to that crap Insteon put out. I am sure more than a few people will be spending a lot of time in fire and brimstone for that f' job. But Homeseer supports Insteon, so there is no reason not to support the CM15A.... Oh wait, there is capitalism...

Jeff is correct. X10 would release an SDK for the device so HomeSeer passed on support.

You mean they wouldn't release an SDK? The CM15A has an SDK and it was SUPER easy to interface to. It was the first HA controller I interfaced to. It was a Godsend compared to that crap Insteon put out. I am sure more than a few people will be spending a lot of time in fire and brimstone for that f' job. But Homeseer supports Insteon, so there is no reason not to support the CM15A.... Oh wait, there is capitalism...


When the CM15A was released the only information I could find was what others had reverse engineered. Do you have a link to the CM15A SDK? The thing that had interested me about the CM15A was the conditional logic. I never found anything documented for interfacing with it and eventually gave up.
This SDK gives examples of how to use the X10 software application to perform basic IO functions. It does not describe any communication with the CM15A hardware and it does not show anything about the downloading or the support for conditional logic. I suspect X10 does not want to release this information as it may cut into their software sales and then it would also need to be supported.
We plan to release a beta plug-in for the CM15(a) this week... FYI


Mark, I thought that the SDK wasn't adequate to provide full support for the CM15a??
Jeff - The SDK is nothing more than a couple .dll files and some basic command documentation... and we have to incorporate those .dlls in our plug-in. This is not ideal, since we like to have a lot more control than that. Also, there is no support for "preset dim", like there is in other interfaces (CM11/12, TI103, Powerlinc 1132, to name a few). Users with X10 brand lamp modules won't care but users with Smarthome Lamplinc or PCS X10 modules will probably miss that feature.

Anyway... we've been getting a lot more requests for this lately so it finally made sense to whip something up.