anyone tried the new t2 command?

Thanks for the response Spanky

Sorry but I was unable to try until today cuz I was out of town.

I updated the main board to 5.1.14 and reset the m1xsp to 70.0.2

I still could not get a response from the M1, or the thermostat, but I have noticed some additional behaviors

If I query the thermostat with the standard tr command, I receive the value 39 for temperature, heat setpoint, and cool setpoint. The thermostat itself reads completely differently (20 heat setpoint, 23 cool setpoint, current temp=20)

I can send set commands through the M1, and I receive responses indicating change, however the thermostat still does not reflect those changes. I would normally see "remote" on the thermostat display, but in this case I do not.
Setting the fan does nothing, but the M1 status indicates it is on.

I rolled back the firmware on the m1xsp to 1.0.42 but the thermostat response still shows 39,39,39

Are there any clues in any of this? Could there be something to do with celcius display?

I tried this myself by setting 2At2012144278D000000000000000000000000000096 <cr><lf> as a "Texts" in ElkRP then creating the following rule.

THEN SEND THE FOLLOWING TEXT: "2At2012144278D000000000000000000000000000096 <cr><lf>" THROUGH PORT 1

But it actually forces my serial expander to stop responding.

Am I doing this correctly?