[Articles] HAI MicroControl Now Shipping

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HAI's recently announced ZigBee MicroControl is now shipping. It's one of the first display interfaces which allow you to interact with your ZigBee 'Home Automation' devices directly, without requiring any other control hardware.

It supports device control, device status, and you can also use it as a ZigBee Interface Module (ZIM), so it can be integrated with your existing HAI system.

While ZigBee isn't new, only recently have some companies decided to start supporting the 'Home Automation' profile (any device falling in this category, should be able to talk to any other device in this category), with HAI leading the way by introducing ZigBee 'Home Automation' versions of their Omnistat 2, load control modules, and this display/control unit. See the press release below for more information.

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