Building Advanced Security System With Very Advanced HA


New Member
I am not really building everything within Fort Knox but I am going extreme on detection. I have lived in the city (High Crime) and also outside in a rural community. In my humble opinion the need for security is equal. I work in the field of cyber security therefore programming will not be an issue.
I know what I am describing may be abitious but I would like to know if it can be done. I am starting with the outside and working my way in. I have the basics alarm inside that will be build. However the advanced features will be built in stages.
I am in the process of building a peremeter fence. I was thinking of doing it in cement block then of course make it decorative.
I was thinking of putting a detection mechanism that if a intruder disrupts the two laser beams the whole yard lights up and sirens go off.
I know you can peform this as a stand alone unit however can this be implemented using M1 Gold or another system?
Similar to this ENFORCER 35Ft Reflective Photoelectric Beam Sensor
I also would like several sensors to detect motion inside the fence perimeter and pan the camera toward the motion. Along with possible sirens.
If you have any other ideas please let me know. I want this to be one of the most advanced systems out there.
Hello and welcome.
damarius said:
I know what I am describing may be abitious
I guess I don't see much that you have actually described.  Outdoor security can be very problematic depending on where you live and the weather conditions you may experience.  Obviously snow, rain, leaves and animals can block beam sensors as easy as intruders, so keep that in mind.  Optex makes some good outdoor beam security sensors that use multiple beams to reduce false alarms.  They also make good outdoor motion sensors that could turn on lights.  I'm not sure sirens will scare away intruders as they will anger your neighbors if they go off by mistake.
Wish I could do that.
Max height is 5 feet.

Desert_AIP said:
Double 20' wall with dog run in the middle.  :)
I have included pictures of my house.
It is location in the southern states therefore very little snow.
To clarify my question what can I do to increase security outdoors besides motion lights.

ano said:
Hello and welcome.
I guess I don't see much that you have actually described.  Outdoor security can be very problematic depending on where you live and the weather conditions you may experience.  Obviously snow, rain, leaves and animals can block beam sensors as easy as intruders, so keep that in mind.  Optex makes some good outdoor beam security sensors that use multiple beams to reduce false alarms.  They also make good outdoor motion sensors that could turn on lights.  I'm not sure sirens will scare away intruders as they will anger your neighbors if they go off by mistake.
I believe if you look at the receiver, it has contact closures that you can integrate into an existing HA system.
My son bought these for a plant operation and was impressed with them.
Of course, you could always go for the big bucks and include seismic sensors, etc...
How much do you want to spend on this?
Either an HAI OmniPro II or Elk M1 can do what you are describing.  With the HAI panel you can also use HaikuHelper which means javascript programming and apple push notifications.
It would simply be an input to the panel, you decide what to do from there.
Curious about your budget for what it is you want to do?
Guessing home is around ~5-6K sf size and sitting on a little bit over a acre of land?  Just a guess here.
Are you wanting to DIY some or contract for everything?
DELInstallations said:
Leaky coax or ground based radar system.

You're not going to like the price. I've installed both.
Has anyone used 'leaky coax' for network distribution/transmission (like a distributed WiFi, but using a leaky coax as an antenna)?  If so, I will start another topic so I don't derail this one.