Building Advanced Security System With Very Advanced HA

Just keep in mind that everything has the potential to have false alarms.  Animals can break beams, be large enough to set off motion detectors or ground wire detectors, etc.  So while it is good to add these elements as layers to an overall security plan, I wouldn't recommend setting alarms off when the first detector is set off. 
BraveSirRobbin said:
Has anyone used 'leaky coax' for network distribution/transmission (like a distributed WiFi, but using a leaky coax as an antenna)?  If so, I will start another topic so I don't derail this one.
I have at work, but for UHF radio equipment.  Not so much for any 2.4 GHz stuff like WiFi.  I have never heard of a distributed system for that, since it's meant to be little cells that work together.
damarius said:
I work in the field of cyber security therefore programming will not be an issue.
Clearly then, you've not done enough programming.  Otherwise you'd know just how ludicrous that sounds.  
The layers of conditional logic involved in monitoring systems and acting accordingly are considerable.  And the programming necessary to make them work more so.  But the real complexity comes in making the UI to interact with them.  Then repeat that across all the different tech involved.  If it was easy, it'd be on the market already.  If it was cheap, we'd all already own it.
There's an immutable law involved here:  "Good, fast or cheap.  Pick two."
I think it's fair to say you have to step back and ask what're you trying to accomplish?  
All the automation in the world won't make a damned bit of difference when it comes to most criminal activity.  If they want it, they'll take it and no amount of cameras, sirens or alerts will stop them.  So at what point does the quest for 'advanced' become a quixotic set of pointless gestures?  Start by talking about what measures you're considering and how you see them remaining effective over time.
Maintenance is non-trivial when you start leaving stuff outside.  Planning against the elements is nearly as bad as the criminals.
I think you're confusing the "leaky coax" nomenclature. It's more technical term is ported coax. Not used for transmission of signals, but for dedicated sensing.