Cannot read sensors

I have a number of sensors that have been operating for almost two years now I think, but now I suddenly get the following log from owwnogui:
$ owwnogui 
setup_oww_un_name: /tmp/oww_trx_un
Setup read from: .oww_setup
Devices read from: .oww_devices
applctn_startup_finished. Debug to ""
Interactive? No
bound Unix socket
bound Unix socket
owAcquireEx: com = /dev/ttyS0
devices_portnum_var = 0x500
owAcquireEx OK
FindWeatherStation returned 1
1-wire Error: Search ROM Error: Couldn't locate next device on 1-Wire
1-wire Error: Search ROM Error: Couldn't locate next device on 1-Wire
DS2438 reset itself, reading Humidity 1
Error reading Humidity 3. Vad = 5.130000, Vdd = 4.930000
Error reading Humidity 3. Vad = 5.140000, Vdd = 4.930000
Error reading from weather station: weather_read_ws failed
Problem with link or weather station
RETRY:Will restart in 5 seconds
owAcquireEx: com = /dev/ttyS0
devices_portnum_var = 0x500
owAcquireEx OK
state_zombie -> state_ready
DS2438 reset itself, reading Humidity 1
Error reading Humidity 3. Vad = 5.140000, Vdd = 4.930000
Error reading Humidity 3. Vad = 5.140000, Vdd = 4.930000
Error reading from weather station: weather_read_ws failed
Problem with link or weather station
RETRY:Will restart in 5 seconds
owwnogui will just continue in trying to read the sensors until i stop it with ^C.
I have the following devices that I try to read:
$ cat .oww_devices 
offset 0
reverse 0
T1 15000801EDDF5B10 1.000000 0.000000
H1 E8000000E7473E26 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
SOL4 D7000000A8FBCD26 1.000000 0.000000
SOL1 88000000A9283B26 1.000000 0.000000
SOL2 3C000000A9315026 1.000000 -1.000000
SOL3 1A000000E749F426 1.000000 0.000000
BRA E100000004BBB21F
BRB 7B00000004C0A61F
BRC 7700000004BBBB1F
driver /dev/ttyS0
#driver USB
port 0

# Data sample offset: 3-10us
ds2480samp 10

# Write 1 low time: 5-15us
ds2480write 12

# Test setup
recharge 1
autoalloc 1
That is, I have 1 T/H/S sensor that I try to read temperature and humidity from and then 4 other T/H/S sensors that I try to read solar values from.
The 5 devices are placed in a number of different chains (containing other sensors as well) through a 6 channel hub.
Anyone who could give me a hint on what the problem might be?

Has anything changed on your PC or the 1-Wire network? If not then I would suspect the 1-Wire master may be going bad.

Has anything changed on your PC or the 1-Wire network? If not then I would suspect the 1-Wire master may be going bad.


thanks for your reply.
The only HW change that I have done the last couple of months is to replace my 6 channel hub as I thought it was causing the problems. I don't believe that any SW have changed.
What do you mean with "1-Wire master"?
I also have a number of other sensors which it looks like I can read with other oww set-ups from the same computer.


When talking about the 1-Wire master I am talking about the USB or Serial adapter used to connect the 1-Wire to your PC.

If you have already replaced the Hub then I wouldn't think it would be a Hub problem unless there is some voltage spikes or something like taking out the Hub. I have heard of very few Hubs failing unless it was a power related issue.

Another likely suspect is the wiring/connectors that may have been moved or oxidation especially if connectors are in a damp environment.

When talking about the 1-Wire master I am talking about the USB or Serial adapter used to connect the 1-Wire to your PC.
Eric, I have a serial adapter and two USB adapters in spare so I will try them later today, and hopefully this solves my problem .

Another likely suspect is the wiring/connectors that may have been moved or oxidation especially if connectors are in a damp environment.
Michael, if it is not the serial adapter I will look for a sensor that might have this issue. Is there anyway one can track a failing sensor down just with SW?

One thing that puzzles me a bit is that I can read the temperature and humidity from the sensors which I cannot read solar values from. Does this make sense?

One thing that puzzles me a bit is that I can read the temperature and humidity from the sensors which I cannot read solar values from. Does this make sense?

That doesn't make any sense. The humidity and solar use the same DS2438 chip so if you can read one you should be able to read the other.

I believe that I now have identified the cable that causes the problems. If I remove it from the 6 channel hub the reading of the remaining cables/sensors runs through.
I guess that there is now a connector or sensor connected to that cable that is broken, and that I need to identify which one it is.
On this chain there are one wind instrument and 2 T/H/S sensors.
Is there anyway one can track a failing sensor down just with SW?

I've seen the Maxim 1-Wire application generate CRC errors with one of three sensors on an HB combo board. Not sure though what its really indicating.
Apologies it was a Midon Technologies combo humidity/temperature board being fed by 15VDC on a 9097 1-wire network with two other combo HB sensors; one being temp/solar/humdity and the other being just temp/humdity.

I moved the Midon Technologies combo humidity/temperature board over to a Temp08 and changed supply voltage to 5VDC (from Temp08) and all is well now.

I put a new HB combo Temp/Humidity board in the same place as the "old" Midon technologies combo board feeding it with the 15VDC unregulated power from a HB's power injector and all is well with the Maxim 1-wire application.

I am getting good reads and no CRC errors in this new HB combo board.

BTW network in question is a 9097-1 wire network with three combo devices on it being feed from a HB's power injector via 15VDC unregulated power. I have attached a drawing of topology.
Hi again,

due to a lot of other things to do I have not spent too much time trouble shooting the last couple of weeks.
Yesterday I replaced a T/H/S sensor that I thought was a good candidate for causing the trouble, but I don think that it works better after that.
This morning I got some new errors running owwnogui. Could those be pointing in the direction of the 1-wire master?
m_gustafsson@se ~/bin/oww/measure2 $ owwnogui 
Setup read from: .oww_setup
Devices read from: .oww_devices
applctn_startup_finished. Debug to ""
Interactive? No
owAcquireEx: com = /dev/ttyS0
devices_portnum_var = 0x500
owAcquireEx OK
owBranchFirst (aux) - SetSwitch1F failed
SetSwitch1F all lines off failed
owBranchFirst (main) - SetSwitch1F failed
SetSwitch1F all lines off failed
owBranchFirst (aux) - SetSwitch1F failed
SetSwitch1F all lines off failed
owBranchFirst (main) - SetSwitch1F failed
SetSwitch1F all lines off failed
owBranchFirst (aux) - SetSwitch1F failed
SetSwitch1F all lines off failed
owBranchFirst (main) - SetSwitch1F failed
SetSwitch1F all lines off failed
owBranchFirst (aux) - SetSwitch1F failed
SetSwitch1F all lines off failed
owBranchFirst (main) - SetSwitch1F failed
SetSwitch1F all lines off failed
owBranchFirst (aux) - SetSwitch1F failed
SetSwitch1F all lines off failed
owBranchFirst (main) - SetSwitch1F failed
SetSwitch1F all lines off failed
owBranchFirst (aux) - SetSwitch1F failed
SetSwitch1F all lines off failed
owBranchFirst (main) - SetSwitch1F failed
SetSwitch1F all lines off failed
Checking weather station: "Anemometer" not found
Checking weather station: wind vane not found
FindWeatherStation returned 1
1-wire Error: Write COM Failed
1-wire Error: Write COM Failed
1-wire Error: Write COM Failed
1-wire Error: Write COM Failed
1-wire Error: Write COM Failed
1-wire Error: Write COM Failed
1-wire Error: Write COM Failed
1-wire Error: Write COM Failed
1-wire Error: Write COM Failed
1-wire Error: Write COM Failed
DS2438 reset itself, reading Thermometer 2
DS2438 reset itself, reading Thermometer 2
DS2438 reset itself, reading Thermometer 2
DS2438 reset itself, reading Thermometer 2
No, I have not done that yet.
My system has been running for over two years, and at the moment it is actually up and running again. It goes down throwing messages like the one above maybe twice per day for an hour each time.
Do you think that there might be a connector or a cable that is broken?

Does it go down at the same time each day? If so then I would look for something causing interference at those times.
