Check email in Home Theater


Active Member
A friend of mine wants to be able to check his emails on his home theater screen. The TV has a DVI input. I'm trying to figure out how to set it up.

He will need a computer in the media room, but he wants the emails to remain on the computer in his office. He does not use any kind of email server. My current ideas are:

1. Use the media room computer to remotely control the Office computer. Downside: response times through the network may be sluggish.

2. Use some kind of email synching so that emails are distributed / available to both computers and a change to one is reflected on the other. Downside: I don't have any experience with this.

Any ideas?


Use RDP to connect from one to the other PC. won't be sluggish at all. Almost invisibile difference.
DavidL said:
Use RDP to connect from one to the other PC. won't be sluggish at all. Almost invisibile difference.
Thanks, but from what I can tell, RDP doesn't work with XP Home. I would be glad to know if that's wrong.
that is true. You can use VNC but that will have a bit of a lag. There are several commerical RDP like solutions out there.
I believe there is a hack to enable RD in XP Home. You could also try, which isn't slow at all (even for local network connectivity), or try setting up an IMAP server as suggested above. I guess you could als consider just pop'ing the e-mail using outlook express or thunderbird, but leave a copy on the server, so when he gets to it with his regular computer, it will actually download it and remove it from the server (that's what I used to do).
electron said:
I guess you could als consider just pop'ing the e-mail using outlook express or thunderbird, but leave a copy on the server, so when he gets to it with his regular computer, it will actually download it and remove it from the server (that's what I used to do).
The only problem with that is you have to weed through the emails a 2nd time...
It never really bothered me, but I also have a good set of rules, so all I have to do is 'mark all as read'.