Connecting HomeSeer To Ocelot


New Member
Hi All,

I am new to Automation, I have OmniProII, HomeSeer, and Ocelot with SECU-16UR. My plane was to use HomeSeer to control the Automation process, and Laso HSTouch for Mobile and touch screens.
My qustions :

1- I was able to use the Ocelot CMax to send IR commands to devices, but I need HomeSeer to do this, so how to do this? I have the ADI plucgin installed and I can see the Ocelot in the HOmeSeer startup, when I use the config button on the Homeseer plugin it shows up the Ocelot and SECU-16IR, but when I go to map IR location, no devices show up in the drop down box. To make story short, I learned IR codes in Ocleot throgh CMax, no I need to creat a button or event to send those IRs from HomeSeer, how to do this setup please?

2- How can I read Variables from Ocelot in HomeSeer? Can I update those variables from HomeSeer? I need setup detailes for this too please.

Thanks for your support . :blush:
You should ask this question on the HomeSeer message board.
Thanks for the support, I will post it there now, just thought that here is a general topic post area for any home automation stuff!
It is a general post section, it's just that you are more likely to get an answer to your specific question on the HomeSeer message board rather than this general forum. At least this way you have 2 chances to get an answer. You may also want to mention which plugin you are using as well.