Electric solenoid for fireplace

I use a gas starter on my wood burning fireplace and was looking to automate it a bit. I've seen some gas solenoids so i'm assuming theyr'e safe to use for this purpose. I was wondering if they make an electric starter also. I plan on putting this on a 10 minute timer so when i hit fireplace it will turn on gas, start fire, then turn off gas after 10 minutes. I was wondering if anyone has made some kind of electronic ignition.

Also, my electric projection screen goes infront of the fireplace and I was wondering if there is some sensor I could use that would prevent me from dropping my screen when the fireplace is hot. I also have glass fireplace doors that I can close which'll block the heat so i can drop the screen.
What do you have in mind for the chimney damper? Aren't you asking for trouble if you have the automation system turn on the gas log lighter without checking the damper first?
We've been just leaving this open. Usually we'll shut the glass doors which does a very good job at blocking the heat so i'm assuming it'll block the cold air from comming in in winter months. We recently moved into the house and this is my first fireplace and first house.