Active Member
Hello All. New to this site. ---but have been lurking for the last 1 week.
I am an IT Guy, so VERY FAMILIAR with networking and TCP/IP, but never installed an alarm before, so EOL resistors are new to me...
Doing a new construction, 2700ft two story in Southern California (San Gabriel Valley)
---anyone around this area that does ELK install?? That would save me so much time in DIY lol.
Just ordered online:
1- M1GSYS4S system (can, kp2, battery, 14 in case)
1- M1XEP ethernet to serial
1- M1BBK2 flush mount for kp2
4pcs- SP12F flush spkrs
6pieces - Bosch ISC-BPQ2 Blue Line Gen2 Quad PIR Motion 40ft
Not yet ordered:
window and door sensors -- what do you recommend?
Planning everything wired as drywall is not up yet and I have full access to studs
Okay, with the preface out of the way, here are my questions.
1) Ive read on the forums that there was a DIY guide for an M1 Gold install, anyone got the link?
2) when I recieve the M1G, I plan to dummy test before hooking it up at the construction site.. Plan on wiring only 1 magnet sensor and 1 motion detector to get a feel of the system.
Do I update firmware with the zones attached? Or does it not matter?
3) M1G has 16 zone input, does it matter if magnet sensors and motion detectors go to which zone? or simply plug it in to any open zone??
4) I plan to self monitor and have the M1XEP email me in an alarm event, I will have access to my DVR cctv and call the cops if needed BUT, if I decide on going with AlarmRelay, can I have them program all my zones for me? Saving me time not needing to program on my own.
5) And finally (for now) any guides or how to surface mount the door and magnet sensors without drilling ON the window and door? Can I drill it on the frame only and double side tape the magnet to the door? any other tricks with door and window sensors with not drilling?
------those are the basic questions....for now....
Im sure this topic/guide will help me alot - subscribed
Thanks everyone in advance
*excuse the grammer, posting from my handheld
I am an IT Guy, so VERY FAMILIAR with networking and TCP/IP, but never installed an alarm before, so EOL resistors are new to me...
Doing a new construction, 2700ft two story in Southern California (San Gabriel Valley)
---anyone around this area that does ELK install?? That would save me so much time in DIY lol.
Just ordered online:
1- M1GSYS4S system (can, kp2, battery, 14 in case)
1- M1XEP ethernet to serial
1- M1BBK2 flush mount for kp2
4pcs- SP12F flush spkrs
6pieces - Bosch ISC-BPQ2 Blue Line Gen2 Quad PIR Motion 40ft
Not yet ordered:
window and door sensors -- what do you recommend?
Planning everything wired as drywall is not up yet and I have full access to studs
Okay, with the preface out of the way, here are my questions.
1) Ive read on the forums that there was a DIY guide for an M1 Gold install, anyone got the link?
2) when I recieve the M1G, I plan to dummy test before hooking it up at the construction site.. Plan on wiring only 1 magnet sensor and 1 motion detector to get a feel of the system.
Do I update firmware with the zones attached? Or does it not matter?
3) M1G has 16 zone input, does it matter if magnet sensors and motion detectors go to which zone? or simply plug it in to any open zone??
4) I plan to self monitor and have the M1XEP email me in an alarm event, I will have access to my DVR cctv and call the cops if needed BUT, if I decide on going with AlarmRelay, can I have them program all my zones for me? Saving me time not needing to program on my own.
5) And finally (for now) any guides or how to surface mount the door and magnet sensors without drilling ON the window and door? Can I drill it on the frame only and double side tape the magnet to the door? any other tricks with door and window sensors with not drilling?
------those are the basic questions....for now....
Im sure this topic/guide will help me alot - subscribed
Thanks everyone in advance
*excuse the grammer, posting from my handheld