Elk M1KP blows out due to static electricity build up when panel touched


New Member
I have blown out 3 Elk M1KP key panels due to static electricity build up when I am walking toward the panel over carpet.  I have 4 panels installed, but only two in carpeted rooms, and only one of these where there is a long walk over carpet to get to the panel.  This is the one I keep blowing out.  The failure occurs when I walk up and touch the panel to arm/disarm.  The result is the display ceases to be readable.  In one case of the three the panel still worked, but the display was garbage.
I have a recurring problem on all 4 panels that occasionally, when I lower the door to access the keys the panel resets and I have to wait about 15-30 seconds for it to be functional again.  When you are trying to disarm an alarm you accidently tripped this is a problem.
Anyone have any idea how to prevent these problems?
I did talk to both Brad & Amy at Elk tech support on this issue.  They are always very helpful.  Their only recommendation was to remove the metal decorative band on the keypad, which I have now done.  They say this has been of some help in the past, but neither of them were very definite on a solution.  I have now ordered a replacement keypad and will remove the band on the new one prior to installation & see what results i have.  I will post the results here either when the new one blows out of after several months if it does not.  Winter is usually the worst.
There are a bunch of ways to control static... it sounds like the ELK keypads aren't tested to a high enough static discharge standard...
You could add a humidifier to your house in the winter to cut down on static.  Or a simpler thing is to ground yourself before touching the panel, although that is kind of a pain to remember all the time.  Touch a metal light switch plate or some other grounded object before using the touch panel.  
Do you see/feel the static when you touch the panels?  Is there a visible spark or do you hear it?
There are also anti-static sprays you could use on the carpet to reduce static build up.
Well, after 1 day of the metal band being removed the keypad resurrected itself!  Thanks for all the good input.  I have removed the band from all keypads.  Wish I had seen this fix before I ordered the replacement.
chrome trim on the keypad. also has some metal mesh on each side of the keypad itself, where the prox plugs in and roughly where the thermistor for temperature is.
I have had the same issue.  It blew out one keypad completely, on another static destroyed one of the sections of the LCD screen.  I tried grounding and if anything it makes it worse because it provides a better path for the static charge.  An antistatic mat under the thermostat seems to work but it is not very attractive in your carpeted area.  I have a pair of leather slippers and I don't even dare come near the keypad with those on.  I put a metal cover on a nearby light switch and zap the charge off to that before touching the keypad.