Elk Rebooted?


Active Member
Last night I armed my system as usual.
This morning we woke up and were just starting our day when the alarm went off.  I assumed that my wife forgot to disarm the system when she let the dog out, and she assumed I was messing with something.
We entered a valid code and the siren stopped.  I looked into the logs and it shows "System Start Up" at 6:26.  At 6:27 it says "Burglar Alarm Zone 193: Area 1" which is my mudroom z-wave deadbolt.  
It looks like my Elk rebooted.  The water shutoff (which is supposed to be off at any system startup), all of my Elk wireless zones were listing as violated as they hadn't "checked in" yet.
  1. Any ideas as to what made it reboot?  What can I check into?  It seems odd that it did it just after we woke up instead of in the middle of the night.
  2. The mudroom z-wave deadbolt was locked when I armed the system last night.  Any idea what could have caused it to not be locked this morning?  I would prefer my locks to not automatically unlock in the middle of the night.  :)
i would troubleshoot one symptom at a time starting with the system startup. Look back through the log to see if automatic startups have been occurring periodically or if this is a first occurrence.  They have been knwon to occur quietly without anyone noticing unless they looked at the log. Also look for auto-startups going forward.
As for the lock, I suspect that the auto-restart had something to do with the wireless lock problem and would fix that first and see if you still have a problem.
Thanks Mike.  I agree the system startup is the first thing I should look into and the most likely culprit of the second issue.
I checked my logs and I didn't see any other "System Startups" other than when I was rebooting the system myself.  In addition I have a WSV that defaults to off.  Therefore, every time my system shuts down and starts up the water is shutoff so I don't think it has been happening without me knowing.  I also had a rule to display system startup on the keypad.  However, I added a rule for it to email me if it does startup just in case.
I am running firmware version 5.3.8.
If there have been no changes to the system lately I would do nothing and see if it happens again.
The first thing that comes to mind that would cause a restart is a power supply problem. Maybe a power glitch although your battery backup should smooth out most reasonable variations in voltage. I don't know where in the world you are but is it extremely hot in the enclosure?
I had an ongoing problem with auto-restarts (error 1367 in the log) and Elk had me roll back the firmware to 5.2.10 and the startups disappeared but being that your system has been running well for some time I wouldn't think that this is the cause.
I have a plunger type sensor in my door jam that gets pushed in by th deadbolt bolt that is wired to the keypad next to the door. Which is zone 193.

The zwave deadbolt was flaky enough I wanted a hard wired sensor to confirm if the door was locked or not.
I had a random reboot happen today right after the system was armed away mode. I am running firmware 5.2.10 and up until today it has been rock solid stable. Who knows what happened? I don't see any errors in the log. For now I will ignore the event.