Got my starlink antenna! :) (but still waiting for mount)...

Hardware is just the antenna and flat mount, cable, and router.  Router only has connectors for AC power and cable to antenna and provides a wifi connection.  Just was notified my mount and ethernet (wired) adapter box is delayed.  I need to find some info on how that connects to the other parts.  They pushed out the ship date by two weeks to late this month.  I am wondering - do they just put the delivery by 2 weeks every time the date gets close until they actually ship?
I am currently using the VPN built into my router (asus) but was reading there is some issue with bridging the starlink as it doesn't transfer the true outside IP address as you noted above so will have to figure that out.  The asus vpn expects the outside IP on the WAN port.  Need to read up on PFsense as I know nothing about it but it sounds like a good plan.
The mount is delayed again.  And I just got notice of the prices going up.  $600 now to sign up.  And $110 a month. 
I can only imagine that the price will continue to rise unchecked.  Without any real competition, they can really charge whatever they feel like and companies like to make money. 
I would have rather gone another way but I didn't have much choice.  They do have some competition from Direct TV and Hughes but I believe those throttle speed at a relatively low data amount.  We don't use that much but would hit the caps (not technically a cap but realistically that's what it is).  Then there is the delay of the higher flying satellites but that's not an issue for me. 
My starlink is loosing connection with the satellite.  It reported tilt of the mast was too much (even though it states that up to 40 degrees is ok and I am at 33).  So I blocked up the lower end.  It worked for about an hour.    The app showed previous history of about last 10 minutes as 100% connection even though it wasn't connected the whole time.  Very frustrating.  Need to find a good forum that covers starlink.  Currently thinking it may be some trees but they are a ways away and should be under the needed sky view.  Doing the coverage survey though the app which takes 12 hours but will hopefully pinpoint the issue.
Have to imagine folks that did installs during the winter are going to have issues if/when the trees leaf-out come Spring/Summer.  Water in foliage is a bigger problem for RF than most folks realize. 

Ran into that trouble myself some years ago when my remote farm house (at the time) lost signal when the treeline between me and the tower started getting new leaves.

Not all RF frequencies are impacted the same way, but an install with year-round clear line of sight would certainly be a sure way to avoid problems.