Harmony 890 Pro & Vizia

reviving an older topic here... but the other direction. since the 890 is supposed to speak z-wave language, is it possible for a pc or elk with a z-wave interface to send commands to the 890 wireless receiver to control my media equipment?
What is the " 890 wireless receiver "?
hmm... that may not be the official name of it, but since the 890 uses RF commumications, it sends it an RF signal, the "wireless receiver" receives that signal and sends out the appropriate IR signal on the appropriate IR port. I was thinking since the 890 was talking on the Z-Wave frequency, that perhaps a Z-Wave computer interface could send out the RF to be turned into an IR command by the receiver.
Have you tried Global Cache's GC-100?
Dont know if it works with Homeseer, but I can send ir commands to it and have them commands control events, devices, whatever.
So one button press of my Harmony 880 can control a lighting scene or anything else.
actually, i've been thinking about the global cache. it does have a homeseer plug-in. plus, i got one of those Nokia 770's off woot the other day, so I could just create a simple touchscreen interface and use that as my remote control with the global cache (possibly).
It works great. you would have to get the ir extender and a receiver. Not sure but you can probably use any receiver. Might save some bucks instead of buying theirs.
oh, i was thinking more along the lines of a homeseer touchpad interface, with events to activate the global cache through the HSPI. that way, with the Nokia 770, I could access the interface over wi-fi, and the global cache would simply have IR emitters plugged into the stereo jacks that connect to my components (similar to what my 890 wireless extender has now). obviously, i don't know a whole lot about the global cache setup yet, but does this sound like it would work? also, i don't know much about the internal webserver of the global cache. does it have device interfaces as well depending on what devices you set up? maybe this should be in a different topic rather than in one documenting my 890 travails.
Yeah, might be getting off topic here.
I was referring to using your 890 to control the vizia stuff. You could actually connect your rf receiver to the GC, then your rf commands will be converted to ir commands that the homeseer can use to control events etc. At least I think it can, not too familiar with homeseer.

You can send commands to the GC from any interface you want, as long as HS will let you. I use a pocket pc, a touchscreen, the internet, any way of connecting to the Cortexa, then I can control any ir device in the house with custom made remotes in the Cortexa. Heres an example:


Can you create remotes in Homeseer??
Also, you wouldnt use events to "activate" (probably no the right word) the GC. You need to buy the GC IR learner, then learn any ir commands in GC's language, then when you create your remotes, each button will be assigned an IR command. You can also assign an event to a button on the remote, again, not sure if HS can do this but its real easy with Cortexa.

The original idea I had here was to use the 890 to send a command, either ir or rf to the GC. Then , with Cortexa, you can take that command and assign it to an event. So I can be out on the deck, and with my 880, I can totally control my home audio (or anything else). I would have to assume that HS can do the same but I may be wrong and I've been guiding you down the wrong path.

As far as the GC setup, you are correct. The 6" model has 3 ir in/out (chosen in the web interface), you can either connect these directly to the components, or to a ir blaster to control a whole rack of equipment with one connector, leaving 2 free to control other devices. I have one connector going to a ir diode that I mounted on a single gang blank plate, then I mounted the plate on the wall across from the tv etc. So port 1 on the GC will control all the "video" stuff (receiver, tivo, tv, dvd etc). Then port 2 has a ir blaster in it which is aimed at a sirius receiver and am/fm receiver. Port 3 controls an ipod through channel vision's ibus. Again, I can use any interface (touchpad, ppc,internet) to control any of these devices.

The web interface pretty much just selects either input or output for the ir ports and baud rates for the serial ports. Not really much more than that.
Keep in mind, all it does is send IR commands over ethernet. Thats its purpose, but the controller you use (HS in your case) should be able to use those commands to do anything.
Hope this helps, not really sure if it does.