ginigma said:
Comments on 0.2.1a:
I'm not sure if scene editing is working properly or I just don't know how to use it yet. If I select an existing scene that I setup previously (with iLink), I would expect the Scene Controller to indicate which controller it's set for and the Scene Group to indicate the button (should default to button 1) and then list all of the responders for that scene and their settings. It doesn't do that. When I select a scene, it leaves all the previous information displayed. It's like it doesn't refresh.
Your assumption about how it should be working is how it should be working. A scene name should reference a controller, a group, and a list of repsonders. Selecting a new scene should update all of that.
I'm going to describe how the program should be working. The scene data is currently read from a saved file (by default ilink_scene.inf). What is actually programmed into the devices may be different. Also, if you saved the information in a different file, it won't automaticlly re-load that data next time you run the program, but might load up old/wrong data. It probably shouldn't be auto-loading data from ilink_scene.inf since that may not have your most recent data, and thus confusing. Can you make sure the file you have opened has what you expect for the scene definition?
The idea is that you create/edit all the scenes, and then program the devices to match. I've added a "program scene" button to program all the devices included (controller/responders) in a scene. I'm also working on a feature to compare the current in-memory scenes with the actual device link tables to find errors/descrepencies.
ginigma said:
As I cycle through the Scene Group #'s, I would expect to see the Responder list changing to reflect the devices that are part of each scene (button).
Interesting idea, but not the way it works :lol: A scene is directly linked with a "button", not a device (although for single button devices, it is one and the same). The scene group is an attribute of the scene, so when you edit a scene, you can change the group, the controller, the resonders associated with that scene. So as you cycle through scenes, all those values should change. I plan to add the ability to set the PLC as a scene controller, it will support up to 254 groups.
So when editing a scene you are not editing all aspects of a device. With multi-button devices, you create a unique scene for each button. Sounds like you are looking for a way to view all the scenes assigned to a device. I hadn't thought of that, maybe that is something that would work under the device control option, not only control the device, but list the scenes configured too.
ginigma said:
I haven't had a chance to fool around with the KPL. I want to read the SmartHome docs so I gt a good understanding of the device, but I don't have any load connected to it; I'm just using it as a controller for other scenes.
More to come....
The KPL config screen is pretty rough. It should be reading/writing the KPL configuration but I'm not exactly sure what actual effect changing the various values will have on its operation. I too, need to spend some time just trying things. It's kind of slow transferring data and the KPL config has a lot of data to transfer (well it seems like a lot at 1.5 seconds per byte).
Last night I worked on fixing some problems with the low level PLC communications and I think this will help with the reliability with data transfers to/from remote devices.
Thanks for the feedback! It's definitly helping.