Managed API for Speech


Active Member
Is anyone doing any work with the managed API (a .Net solution that is not dependent on com) for speech that I think is part of the version of the .Net framework that Windows Vista installs? I am not sure at this point if what I am stating here is correct or not, I have just started looking around a little and there is a lot of information to digest.

I was thinking about a small application that could be called from HomeSeer for text to speech and possibly wave files using one or more sound cards installed in the same machine as HomeSeer.

This may be too complex a project for me to figure out, there would have to be a method to que the messages, and there would likely be numerous other problems to deal with. I may look around some to see if there is either a sample application to get started with, or perhaps an inexpensive commericial product. Just thinking at this point and wondering if any of you have any ideas?
