Premise ManualAck and SetAck

Motorola Premise


I have a Custom Device communicating over TCP/IP via a "fake" Lantronix UDS10 (using the well known trick).
For some reason, these devices (the Custom Device) seems to ignore the "ManualAck" configuration setting.
The only way I can send multiple commands to the device is by either
1) Manually doing a device.SetAck = true after device.Command.Send = true
2) Having my device actually reply with some text (e.g. a CR/LF).
#2 is not really acceptable for what I'm trying to do.
Has anyone else seen this behavior? Workaround?
This same thing does not happen with devices that are talking via a "real" Lantronix bridge device, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't happen with real RS-232 devices either (I no longer have any of those directly connected to my Premise box).
Be sure to try both modes (text and binary).  I'm not sure if it will work on one and not the other though as I've always used terminators in all of my drivers.