I realize this is the sort of question that probably has been asked before but I've searched throughout CocoonTech without luck. Nonetheless, I apologize if my question has already been answered elsewhere.
I'm trying to sort out all the information, personal preferences etc regarding the various controllers on the market. I am interested in interface controllers for use with either HomeSeer v2.0 or MisterHouse. Haven't yet decided which of the two software systems to use.
Although ultimately I want to use both wireless and X-10 compatible devices, at the moment I'm primarily looking for recommendations on an X-10 type interface controller. I've researched this enough that I've heard about the reliability problems that the CM11A interface has and I'm not real interested in that. The reviews I've been able to find on the Marrick LynX-10 PLC controller all seem pretty positive. However I've seen a couple comments about it, notably in the HomesSeer discussion board, that make it seem like it is not widely used or even a currently distributed controller. So I figure I'll ask the experts here on CocoonTech for their opinion.
What do ya'll think of the Marrick LynX-10 PLC controller? If you don't recommend it, what do you recommend instead?
Thanks for the help and advice.
I'm trying to sort out all the information, personal preferences etc regarding the various controllers on the market. I am interested in interface controllers for use with either HomeSeer v2.0 or MisterHouse. Haven't yet decided which of the two software systems to use.
Although ultimately I want to use both wireless and X-10 compatible devices, at the moment I'm primarily looking for recommendations on an X-10 type interface controller. I've researched this enough that I've heard about the reliability problems that the CM11A interface has and I'm not real interested in that. The reviews I've been able to find on the Marrick LynX-10 PLC controller all seem pretty positive. However I've seen a couple comments about it, notably in the HomesSeer discussion board, that make it seem like it is not widely used or even a currently distributed controller. So I figure I'll ask the experts here on CocoonTech for their opinion.
What do ya'll think of the Marrick LynX-10 PLC controller? If you don't recommend it, what do you recommend instead?
Thanks for the help and advice.