Recreate a broken Z-Wave primary controller...


Active Member
Tonight, we posted a new build of the Z-Wave PC SDK v1.1 (beta, build 123) to the web.

This new version lets you recreate a broken Z-Wave Primary Controller. This is useful in the instance that you have broken your Primary controller and need a new one to add and remove nodes from your network.

This functionality has been built into Z-Wave for years, but I'm not sure that anyone has exposed it previously here in the USA.

To do this in the SDK, simply put the target remote control in Receive mode, and then run this line of code with your Secondary (SUC) USB controller:

newPrimaryController = Controller.CreateNewPrimaryController();

You'll also be seeing this functionality in our new ThinkEssentials PC software, coming in a few weeks.



We also added another new function in this build, SwapConfiguration. This lets you set up your network with the USB controller as Primary controller, and then transfer the Primary role over to a handheld (or another USB) controller.

[As a sidenote, but of these functions were in the v1.0 release, but we took them out of the v1.1 beta temporarily to add support for a new Z-Wave protocol version; also, these will become even more useful with some other new functionality we're adding to the library soon.]
Can we get chris his own forum in the market place. He has some great information about his products and I would hate to see them get mixed up in all the other talk.
Sure. Electron can do that for the low low price of one Zwave SDK and module of his choice. :p
Squintz said:
Can we get chris his own forum in the market place. He has some great information about his products and I would hate to see them get mixed up in all the other talk.
In this case, this is more of a "clearing up misconceptions about Z-Wave" topic rather than an SDK topic. We have a forum just for the SDK over at, but I think it's also valuable to clear up misconceptions about protocols, and that's more appropriate to do over here at CocoonTech as a "general interest item" :p

Maybe as the number of posts about Z-Wave grows, we could get a Z-Wave forum! It's probably not appropriate or necessary to set one up quite yet.
