Request: Poll & Set Chime Status via RS232


Senior Member
I'd like to request the ability to poll & set the chime status via the RS232 protocol.

I currently use both CQC & the Elk to send announcements/etc over the Elk speakers. It would be extremely useful if I could get CQC to respect the chime status via the Elk, and only send those announcements if the chime is in tone/voice mode (ie, not = off).
IVB - did that rule we talked about solve your problem?

For other followers - we found a rule for the chime - so you can set an output or a counter by rule whenever the chime status changes - then poll that output or counter. Not as direct as polling the status directly and uses a rule or two, but in theory should accomplish exactly the same thing.
Please refer to the M1 ASCII protocol document page 36. Note the "kf" command...

If you send 09kf01000D5 followed by carriage return line feed to the M1, it will reply back with the "KF" string... The "KF" response will have the chime status for all 8 areas in the M1...

Any time the chime mode changes in any area, the "KF" string will be automatically sent out to indicate the change...

Hope this helps!
Please refer to the M1 ASCII protocol document page 36. Note the "kf" command...

If you send 09kf01000D5 followed by carriage return line feed to the M1, it will reply back with the "KF" string... The "KF" response will have the chime status for all 8 areas in the M1...

Any time the chime mode changes in any area, the "KF" string will be automatically sent out to indicate the change...

Hope this helps!

Very interesting, thanks, i'll point this out to Dean (CQC)
IVB - did that rule we talked about solve your problem?

For other followers - we found a rule for the chime - so you can set an output or a counter by rule whenever the chime status changes - then poll that output or counter. Not as direct as polling the status directly and uses a rule or two, but in theory should accomplish exactly the same thing.

No, haven't had the time to do the rework needed for that.