Haiku Roomie Remote and Haiku


Is there a way to "silently" execute a command from either Haiku or Haiku Helpper.
Roomie allows to excute a command silently, in the background.
Right now, I use URL scheme:  Haiku://localhost/?activateButton=6, which opens the Haiku app and executes BUTTON 6 to turn off lights in the family room.
What I want to do is when a button is pressed in a Roomie, an URL scheme command is send to Haiku, without opening up the Haiku App, execute the command in the background.
if it's possible, what is the complete URL scheme for individual lights, i only know the basic ones: Control, Button, and Audio, what is the correct link for the individual audio zones?
Anyone here successfully integrated either HAI or Nuvo GC into Roomie Remote.
Why are you looking to execute it in Haiku?

The easiest way would be to just send an HTTP command to HaikuHelper. You can control the entire system this way without opening up Haiku.
thanks Lupinglade for the quick response.
That was the only way I know how.  I'm a newbie.
what's the protocol send commands to Haikuhelper.
Can you give an example, like to execute Button number 6.  
It would be this URL (you may need to provide the user/password separately)
Or you can do a POST request to /api with this code:
It didn't in Safari, but worked in Chrome. It does not work in Roomie, which has choices to execute silently or in Safari. Any ideas? Thanks
Only works with john:doe@localhost:9399/api/controller.buttonWithNumber(6).activate(), which is fine with me, only need it with Roomie Remote at home when watching movies.
Only works with john:doe@localhost:9399/api/controller.buttonWithNumber(6).activate(), which is fine with me, only need it with Roomie Remote at home when watching movies.
Sorry, I do not know anything about computer language.  
got it to work once in the Safari, but for some reason, I can't duplicate it again.  
Have you looked at "irule" instead of roomie remote? It has native HAI support and you can control most HAI functions from the remote app.
I did, for some reason, I couldn't get it to work.  I wanted to go with iRule initially, because it already has a module for HAI.  I'll give it a try again.  Now, I think I know what I did wrong, the blaster was not configured property, because of the Fios Router, I had to turn something off.  I'll give it a try again.  Thanks for the suggestion.
I'm able to get the URL post working in Safari on MacMini, but not on iPhone 6S, it gave a error message saying "it could not connect to the server."
Haikuhelper is installed on MacMini
You need to use the Mac mini's IP and include the username/password. Localhost won't work from your iOS device.