INSTEON INSTEON is still alive and kicking

A dual-mesh automation protocol which uses both RF and electrical wiring.


Staff member
While researching some details about the SmartHome INSTEON platform, I discovered that it's not dead yet. About a year ago, Ken Fairbanks and his team acquired the assets from SmartLabs, and have turned the lights back on. Ken Fairbanks was involved with INSTEON product development when he worked for SmartLabs many years ago.

It looks like they just posted a copy of their recent webinar, hosted on Zoom, so it may be worth checking out if you're interested in what's going on, and check out Ken's recent blog entries to catch up.

Hi everyone,

I hope you were able to join us on our ‘Lunch with Insteon’ webinar. If not, here is a recording of it. The passcode is 3UDS$nrv.

As I mentioned on the webinar, June 9 is a special day as it is the exact date Insteon Technologies was publicly launched one year ago. We are thrilled with the progress we have made in such a short time, but we know we have so much more we want to do.

Here is a quick recap of what we discussed:
  • For the rest of June, we are offering free ground shipping on qualifying orders over $125 when using coupon code INSTEON1YR at checkout (see details here)
  • We introduced the newest addition to our Insteon i3 line – the i3 Keypad which will be shipping in July
  • You can now leave a review or ask questions about our products in our store. We encourage you to do both to help the Insteon community gain peer-to-peer insight to our product line
  • Richard shared some updates on Director app development in regards to I/O Module - Low Voltage Controller (AKA I/O Linc), Mini Remotes, etc
  • From testing hardware (like the new i3 Keypad), to new features in the Insteon Director app, to reviewing Insteon integration with third parties, we need beta testers. Click here to learn more and apply.
  • Last, but certainly not least, we had our first Bright Ideas segment where we highlight customers using the Insteon ecosystem in clever ways. Anne has an incredible story (video) and joined us to share a few comments on how Insteon is a critical part of her accessibility journey. We thank her so much for putting a spotlight on this important community.

Thanks and have a great week!

CEO, Insteon Technologies
Yes, they are. They've designed and sold some new gear. I have a rotary dial dimmer and a new dual outlet that are very nice. The Insteon protocol is somewhat augmented in this new gear. The UDI eisy controller, current software version, is compatible. I will be replacing some of the paddle dimmers with the new rotary one as they have a higher WAF here.