@RAL: I, again, appreciate the help. I do have smoke alarms that are all centrally wired and in every room of the house so that they'll alert us to leave if a fire starts that one of them detects. my smoke detectors are simply a latter addition to my house (to alert the fire dept) if there is a fire.
so, based upon what I've learned here, I'm going to do the following:
1) NOT connect my current (very extensive and interconnected) smoke alarm system to my M1.
2) connect my two 5061p's and my 5062, each to their own zone on my M1 with a 2200 EOL resistor (at the detector).
3) daisy chain my three 2wt-b detectors and connect them to my M1 with an 820 EOL resistor.
sound reasonable? any other thoughts?
again, I appreciate the kindly and expert assistance.