Spanky, Hello Again World


Senior Member
This is Spanky (David Steele) formerly chief engineer at Elk Products now retired from there.  I am now the chief engineer at Cartell in Shippensburg, PA.  We make driveway sensors and annunciators which detect someone coming up your driveway along with gate free exit sensors to detect vehicles leaving a gated community.  We have a lot of new wireless products in development and hope to share the new product information soon.
Welcome back to Cocoontech Spanky!
Here used a wired under the driveway Cartell setup for over 10 years now with no issues.
Recall an over dinner meet and greet many years ago with you and one of your Elk salespeople at the EHExpo in Florida. 
Welcome back! good to hear from you.  I see you have found the perfect retirement job 