Stop even triggered by web html


New Member
I designed a web page to control my sprinkler system. Most commands in the html code control a single device and work with no problems. I have an event that turns on one sprinkler, 5 minutes later it turns off and the next turns on, 5 minutes later the second one turns off and the 3rd one turns on, etc.... I need way to stop the routine from running that can be executed throught the HTML code.

This is the code I use to trigger the event:

<form method="POST">
<p><input type="submit" value="Sprinkler Rotation" name="run_event"</p>

In homeseer the event name is "Sprinkler Rotation". Is there a stop event command or maybe a way to create an event that stops another event?

Any help is appreciated.

Could you setup a similar event button, that would launch an event/script that would "delete" the delayed events?
How about using a device to act as a boolean. If the device is turned on, run the events, if not, then don't do anything. should be easier to control a Homeseer device via web (maybe using the Rover plugin).