Upgraded M1XEP to FW 2.0.34 and now my ISY will not connect to my Elk M1 which means my rules arent


Recenlty upgraded M1XEP to FW 2.0.34 and now my ISY will not connect to my Elk M1 which means my rules arent working. I havent changed any passwords or anything else. When I click on the ISY ELK configuration tab all my settings are correct and port 2101 specified but when I click on enalbed it says "Not connected to the Elk Security System" and blinks in red. Any ideas?
After the upgrade I also cannot use the EK alarm to log into my M1XEP to arm or disarm my Elk via my iPhone... 
Initially I had the same issue when I upgraded the Elk M1G and XEP to the latest FW. The XEP alway performs a factory reset during upgrade. M1G depends on the extent of changes. This means the XEP defaults to DHCP, which fortunately I have a static lease assigned in my router. If you don't have a static lease assigned you will need to determine which IP address was assigned. I had to send my configuration and make sure the insecure port (2101) is enabled in the XEP.

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