USB-UIRT vs. Global Cache

Deane Johnson

Active Member
I'm wondering if there is anyone on here with experience with both of these approaches to IR LEARNING and IR blasting.

I'm using USB-UIRT with my HA software at the present time, and it seems to have it's limitations. Right now, I can't get it to deal with control of my Emotiva UMC-1. I'm suspecting a frequency incompatibility with Emotiva's IR, but I'm not sure.

Has anyone on here worked with both and have some experiences and opinions to offer? I'm wondering if Global Cache has broader capabilities than USB-UIRT. I'm not excited about spending more money to buy Global Cache, but I might come to that.


Deane Johnson
Yes, I've tried the discrete codes from the Emotiva site. They don't work either. The USB-UIRT works with my other IR, just not the Emotiva UMC-1. That's why I'm suspecting an issue with the frequency of the remote.


I had problems learning with us USB_UIRT and switched to IrTrans and really like it.

The IrTrans stuff looks pretty nice. I'm sort of limited by what my software has drivers for, as is always the case. Right now that's USB-UIRT and Global Cache.