note: JerryDavid3000, jbdww, and Cortexa are all employees for the Cortexa company.
<electron> hey guys
<AutomatedOutlet> hey dan
<AutomatedOutlet> hi kyle
<Chakara> Hi all!
<Chakara> full house...
<JerryDavis3000> Hi Everybody
<electron> hey jbdww
<electron> hi JerryDavis3000
<jbdww> Hey electron.
<AutomatedOutlet> hi jerry
<electron> glad you guys could make it!
<jbdww> Electron. This is a great site you all came up with.
<Cortexa> Thanks for having us
<electron> thanks, it's only going to get better
<Cortexa> Before we begin we are going to start with a brief introduction
<Cortexa> Please read and then we will begin
<Cortexa> just one sec
<Cortexa> My name is Rod Stevenson Sales Director for Cortexa, our CTO and founder Joe Doran is with us as well is our Technology support Jerry Davis
<JerryDavis3000> So everybody, we are here to introduce you to the Cortexa Family of products and answer any questions you might have so lets have some fun
<jbdww> We put an introduction on the forum at the following link.
<Cortexa> Hi Madge
<AutomatedOutlet> hey madge!
<Cortexa> glad you could join us
<mwhistle> Hi...
<mwhistle> Found an email from you guys in my junk mail folder...sorry about that
<Cortexa> I hope everyone has had a chance to check out the Cortexa website and hopefully read some of the documentation
<AutomatedOutlet> from who?
<mwhistle> Cortexa
<ph0n33z> greetings friends
<Cortexa> Hey Corey
<ph0n33z> Hello
<elcano> hi everybody.
<ph0n33z> Is this rob?
<Cortexa> Rod
<ph0n33z> think that was your name
<ph0n33z> rod
<ph0n33z> thats it
<ph0n33z> hehe
<ph0n33z> how are you bud
<Cortexa> very well thank you
<ph0n33z> Has this begun yet, or are we waiting on someone
<Cortexa> We have begun
<electron> for those who just joined us, Cortexa just started their introduction
<electron> go ahead
<JerryDavis3000> We are a little new at this so well just jump in
<ph0n33z> who is all here from cortexa
<JerryDavis3000> Thanks electron
<electron> Makes it a little easier to spot who works for Cortexa
<ph0n33z> Hellow Mr Davis
<ph0n33z> Do you guys mind if I start with a question?
<Cortexa> Since it is hard to present in a forum we will open this to questions
<JerryDavis3000> Austin based company lead by experienced technology leaders - technology leadership from Joe (Motorola background etc) . Business leadership from 2 senior ex Del (Billy ex head of Service marketing in US - Slagter - ex head of Dell Europe - both there from the early days at Dell - Slagter when it was PC's ltd)
<jbdww> My name is Joe Doran CTO of Cortexa Rod Stevenson Sales Director for Cortexa, is with us as well is our Technology support Jerry Davis
<Cortexa> go ahead Phon33
<ph0n33z> Does Cortexa interface with other software?
<ph0n33z> Such as theatertek, zoomplayer, etc
<ph0n33z> or any other software
<smee> OT - sorry - but I had (still have somewhere) an 8MHz PCs Limited AT clone
<jbdww> The Cortexa is a hardware/software solution that talks to other sub systems.
<electron> If you guys don't mind, lets give Cortexa a few minutes to give us some more details about their products, since not everyone is familiar with them
<ph0n33z> sounds good
<jbdww> The Cortexa is BSD based, and acts as a firewall/router/VPN and Home automation gateway.
<AutomatedOutlet> BSD?
<jbdww> Sorry. FreeBSD.
<jbdww> The product is 100% solid state.
<JerryDavis3000> We talk to security systems from Home Automation, Inc., GE Security and Networks and DSC All communication for these is RS232
<elcano> No Elk Products?
<jbdww> Elk is on the list next.
<ph0n33z> should we hold our questions
<ph0n33z> ?
<david0126> Yea!
<ph0n33z> hehe
<ph0n33z> Admins: should we hold our questions until he is done with the intro or as as we go
<Cortexa> Our system is agnostic in the sense that we interface with multiple manufactures for each sub-system
<electron> Yeah give them a few minutes until they are ready for questions
<electron> It gives everyone who isn't familiar with the product a chance to learn about it quickly, and ask questions as well.
<ph0n33z> I agree
<jbdww> The User Interface and setup tools are all accessed threw a web GUI.
<JerryDavis3000> We have a lot of lighting interfaces, mostly two way when they are. Insteon, Zwave, UPB, Lutron Homeworks and Radio Ra, Vantage, and yes even X10
<jbdww> This makes it easy for Windows Mac, and Linux people to use.
<Cortexa> all setup and configuration is very straight forward and simple
<Cortexa> no programming language to learn
<jbdww> We also have other interafaces like touch screens, web-pads, and TV modules.
<Cortexa> all done through drop down menus
<JerryDavis3000> No Software to load or get corrupted either!
<jbdww> You can look at it as a linksys router with HA built in. Just plug it in, and go.
<Cortexa> and once you buy a Cortexa you get software upgrades free for life
<jbdww> The box has 4 RS-232/485 ports and can come with up to 16 more ports.
<Cortexa> very easy to access remotely
<jbdww> You can also have 4 internal video/ or unlimited IP cames.
<jbdww> The cortexa does have a small amount of room to store streaming video based on a trigger.
<JerryDavis3000> We use Triggers for events that are automated, such as Sunset and Sunset + or -, weather conditions, UPB Links, security doors and motion detectors and many others!
<jbdww> Basicly any sub-ssytem that we talk to, you can create triggered events to controll other stuff.
<jbdww> The system can be hybrided to use any combination of lighitng.
<jbdww> We also talk to NUVO and Netstreams for Whole House audio.
<jbdww> And the Cortexa new a built in iTunes player.
<ph0n33z> cortexa new?
<jbdww> I figer this is enaough to get us started.
<Cortexa> We are open for questions
<JerryDavis3000> Accesses Itunes from any machine on the network!
<jbdww> Sorry I ment to take new out.
<ph0n33z> np
<ph0n33z> May I ask?
<AutomatedOutlet> who do you consider your biggest competition?
<jbdww> This is hard to say.
<JerryDavis3000> There are so many, we just keep working on making ours as robust as possible
<AutomatedOutlet> i'm trying to better understand your market
<ph0n33z> Are you targeting the audio/video market?
<JerryDavis3000> mid to high level homes
<ph0n33z> or are you more geared towards HA in terms of security/hvac/lighting
<elcano> How is it better than per instance, Pluto?
<JerryDavis3000> Audio is just one of the many systems that we integrate to give the end user a consistent easy to use interface
<JerryDavis3000> Video is in the future
<jbdww> Our goal is for the mase market say from the $200 to the $Mil.
<AutomatedOutlet> but who do you consider your competition?
<ph0n33z> hehe
<jbdww> We are still heavly learning and working very hard to lower the price.
<ph0n33z> What can we expect in the coming year from Cortexa?
<Cortexa> who would you consider our competition?
<Cortexa> based on what you have read
<ph0n33z> I suppose Homeseer
<bravesirrobbin> Digital Media Research for instance (Offer an all in one solution)
<AutomatedOutlet> It's pretty straightforward. On the retail side the biggest competition is Smarthome. on the dealer side it's worthington
<elcano> Any other interfaces besides serial?
<elcano> What about relays, digital or analog inputs?
<ph0n33z> maybe we should not ask more questions until the previous has been answered
<mwhistle> Exceptional Innovation
<JerryDavis3000> Those are distributors mainly though Smarthome has a lighting system of their own
<jbdww> HomeSeer is more Windows based, and requires software install unless you are talking about there PRO box.
<dwayne> Why sell server hardware too? Your BSD on a DOM module (nice approach by the way) could go into alot of hardware thats already out there.
<mwhistle> Lifeware
<JerryDavis3000> We interface through ethernet as well when possible or feasible
<electron> I would say that the HST PRO-100 is the closest match
<electron> then the Pluto setup
<jbdww> We sell both the hardware/software in one package. We do not sale the software alone.
<JerryDavis3000> We control serial relays in banks of 8 or 16 with up to 4 banks
<AutomatedOutlet> jerry, no, you asked me who my competition was - I was answering you.
<JerryDavis3000> Also we interface to rain eight (mainly for irrigation) up to 2048 zones on a single RS232 connection
<ph0n33z> what about support for 3rd party touchscreens, tablet pcs?
<elcano> Do sell the serial relays or have approved 3rd party vendors?
<JerryDavis3000> Sorry Automated Outlet, I was asking who you thought OUR competition was, thanks
<AutomatedOutlet> oh, i'm not exactly sure because quite honestly i don't understand your product well enough at this point
<JerryDavis3000> We have our own interfaces, but any that will run a browser will work
<mwhistle> How user/dealer customizable is your Web GUI and touchscreen interface?
<jbdww> We do have a Windows CE interface, and a Windows Interface, and comming soon Windows MCE.
<ph0n33z> ok
<ph0n33z> that was my next questions whistle hehe
<JerryDavis3000> Not customizable, We provide a consistent accross all of our interfaces to make it easy for the end user
<JerryDavis3000> Don't forget the Inwall Linux Touchscreens
<mwhistle> I'm just wondering out loud if there's a possibility we could stack MainLobby on top of this. At that point, I could hardly resist.
<jbdww> We are adding things very shortly like TTS, Voice Mail, DVR.
<JerryDavis3000> It's been done
<ph0n33z> easily or
<electron> which TTS engines will you be supporting ?
<jbdww> We also have Global Cahce Support, which you can create your own custom remotes.
<AutomatedOutlet> jerry, are you positioning this as a kind of "modern JDS" type controller?
<JerryDavis3000> Way modern
<AutomatedOutlet> understood
<JerryDavis3000> I used to use that interface extensively
<AutomatedOutlet> i know JDS hasn't updated much in quite a while but I'm still trying to understand the market
<jbdww> Just a reminder, that the cortexa is a full fledge firewall/router/vpn.
<jbdww> I might get in troble saying this, but the router part can compete with cisco very easly.
<ph0n33z> Earlier you spoke of video support. What are your plans for this?
<JerryDavis3000> MASS MARKET, everyone who wants to have an affordable, and reliable way to control everything in the home from inside or outside the house
<jbdww> You can view live and recoreded streaming vido from anywhere.
<Squintz> sorry im late
<Steve2> can you give us more detail on how you would work with MainLobby or the abibility to use other GUI. Do you have an api or serial control. Wouldn't ML need a plugin to talk to your system?
<ph0n33z> How does that work jb?
<JerryDavis3000> Welcome in Squintz
<jbdww> Which brings me to say that you can remotly access the Cortexa from anywere.
<Cortexa> Automated Outlet the people who understand and know about automation the most are high end builders and integrators that know Crestron and AMX
<JerryDavis3000> A guy in San Antonio used a button on main Lobby to call the Cortexa interface
<jbdww> The cortexa supports a list of dyndns so there is no monthly charges to remote access the cortexa.
<electron> I don't agree with that statement Cortexa
<ph0n33z> What whole house audio solutions do you currently support?
<Cortexa> in the mass market most don't know WHA that much
<JerryDavis3000> WE know a little about them
<jbdww> electron. Which one.
<electron> about the people who understand HA the most
<Cortexa> let me restate
<elcano> yes, please
<JerryDavis3000> That may be true Electron, I went to a IEEE meeting and half the audience was looking for a job and had automation in thier homes
<elcano> They know how to sell. Thats true.
<Cortexa> Home automation is not something that most people are familiar with
<Steve2> so, you can call the cortexa interface from another system, but you can't use their gui to access your core
<electron> The stuff Creston and such are selling now is stuff that DIY'ers have been doing for years
<electron> they are just making it mainstream, for a lot of money
<JerryDavis3000> Absolutely
<bravesirrobbin> With emphasis on "lot of money"!
<ph0n33z> yes
<ph0n33z> lol
<jbdww> Just an FYI on stablility of the product. I have one that has been up for almost two years with out a re-boot.
<Squintz> Okay I did not miss much and think I am about cought up.
<electron> I run several BSD based machines as well, they are definitely rock solid, uptime expressed in years as well
<mwhistle> Sorry to nit, but who is this guy in San Antonio? I may want to pay him a visit.
<jbdww> Steve2. I am sorry. Can you clearify.
<AutomatedOutlet> can you tell us a little about your UPB support? are you also sending and receiving links?
<jbdww> I have a Sun Sparc that has been up now for four years.
<JerryDavis3000> Many of the things that DIY'ers do are just no comprehensible to the biggest part of the market, they don't have the time or the technical expertise
<Cortexa> madge send me an email and I will give you his info
<jbdww> Once setup, the cortexa hardly ever dies.
<jbdww> Sorry for my speeling. I type faster then my mind.
<ph0n33z> dont we all
<Cortexa> do you still have my info madge?
<Steve2> I get the impression that you can use MainLobby to call up your GUI but not that you can use ML exclusively as the interface to control your system, is that correct?
<Squintz> Cortexa, I noticed in a video that you touch screens were using a very simple text based interface and not much in the way of cool graphics. Is this a limitation of your system or are there better touch screen interfaces available?
<ph0n33z> Mainlobby does nto support HA
<ph0n33z> just the DVD and audio side of things
<ph0n33z> afaik
<Steve2> I know that
<ph0n33z> ok
<mwhistle> Oh yes it does
<ph0n33z> ??
<ph0n33z> forgive me
<jbdww> The way the cortexa is designed, everything boots into memory, and the flash memory is loced for read only.
<JerryDavis3000> Squintz, simple is better
<ph0n33z> Simple may be better for most, but for DIY'ers we like customizable interfaces
<Squintz> I like the gaphics for so i can wow my party guest.
<jbdww> The only thing that gets saved to the flash card is setting,logs, and captured images.
<elcano> But simple does not catch the eye of the mass market.
<elcano> Its kind of DIY
<ph0n33z> If I may be honest, the GUI is the only thing keeping me from choosing cortexa
<mwhistle> Me too
<Cortexa> The most important thing that is customizable about Cortexa is it's unlimited ability to customize events
<jbdww> We try the hardest to do the KISS factore, so it is easy to use.
<ph0n33z> I understand that
<ph0n33z> but why not offer the option for people to create their own GUI?
<ph0n33z> if they choose to
<Cortexa> remember the whole point about automation is to have things happen without having to interface with the system at all
<ph0n33z> We realize it seems like a small thing
<jbdww> Since it acts as a router, we try to keep it hack free, some custom GUI goes away.
<elcano> OK. So please talk us about the events. How is the conditional logic> How do you configure it?
<jbdww> Now the touch screen on the other hand does support skins.
<ph0n33z> it does?
<ph0n33z> *is confused
<jbdww> We just do not have the IDE for the end user yet.
<ph0n33z> will I ever be able to create my own GUI in photoshop for my touchscreens?
<Squintz> I don't mind the text based selections, but I was not happy with the blue background that seemed very old age technology
<jbdww> We are trying to keep the GUI the same from web-interface to Touch screen to keep it simple for the end user.
<AutomatedOutlet> earlier you talked about UPB. Do you also control and receive the links?
<jbdww> Yes. On UPB.
<jbdww> In fact you can import the list from the UPB tool direcly into the Cortexa.
<AutomatedOutlet> so you can act on incoming links to trigger rules and also send out links?
<AutomatedOutlet> that's very cool
<Squintz> How is Z-wave controlled? With what hardware and is it built in to the system or external to the system?
<jbdww> Yes you can. It has 100% UPB support.
<JerryDavis3000> Elcano the logic is pretty much everything you would expect, with triggers for events, conditions on everyline of the macro and ability to run events from another event for subroutines
<AutomatedOutlet> UPB will be required for professional installers
<jbdww> My house is a hybred of UPB Inston, and Radio RA.
<ph0n33z> What about intercom support?
<AutomatedOutlet> radioRA too
<jbdww> I realy like UPB for its linking ability.
<AutomatedOutlet> yes
<jbdww> Intercom is for sure on the list.
<ph0n33z> how would that be implemented?
<jbdww> Yes. Radio Ra, HomeWorks, And Vantage.
<Cocooner57> hello
<Steve2> soCortexa can import your UPB switch network and controll devices directly as well without using links?
<JerryDavis3000> PhOn33z, we are still working on that one, but jbdww will be able to do it when the time is right
<jbdww> We also have weather support via the internet,or weahter davis pro/pro2
<ph0n33z> Will that require an upgraded touchscreen system with a built in mic? OR would we be able to use the older models
<jbdww> You can use the UPB linking tool, to create your links, and then import the file it produces right into the Cortexa.
<JerryDavis3000> Yse to the UPB import, it pulls in all the devices and links and you can call them from a line in a event macro
<Squintz> Can you control Denon, Sony or Panasonic A/V equipment via their serial port protocols?
<jbdww> Squintz Yes, and No.
<ph0n33z> hehe
<Doo> I want to particpate in discussion but need to use PocketPC. Any recommendations
<jbdww> We are fixing to relase a new version that allows you to send your custom RS-232 commands.
<jbdww> And receive RS-232 commands for triggers.
<Steve2> how flexible are your timers - like countdown timers, reminders every x days, etc?
<Squintz> Any RFID in the works?
<jbdww> We are working on srinking our screen down to fit into a pocket PC or Pocket Phone.
<jbdww> We will have both a web interface, and a .net application that will run on the pocket PC.
<ph0n33z> Can we count on these "hoping to release" statements, or is this all still on the drawing board?
<smee> will receiving RS-232 commands include parsing them, e.g., interpret "S1+" as input number 1 (of some board) turned on
<jbdww> The release means it is already done, and needs to be tested.
<Squintz> [21:48] <Squintz> How is Z-wave controlled? With what hardware and is it built in to the system or external to the system?
<smee> without putting in every string "S1+" through "S128+"
<jbdww> I mean hope to release.
<AutomatedOutlet> how long has this system been shipping?
<ph0n33z> What about beta testing?
<ph0n33z> for end users
<jbdww> You can use either the Z-Wave USB device, or the Z-Wave rs-232 device.
<JerryDavis3000> Steve2, All available, as many flags as needed to countdown or set state, as well as daily triggers configurabable to skip 1 to 7 days, weekly triggers for specific days of the week, etc.
<jbdww> We currently have almost 50 beta testers our there right now.
<ph0n33z> Would it be possible to become a beta tester?
<ph0n33z> *hint hint
<ph0n33z> hehe
<Cortexa> We have used Austin as our starting grounds
<jbdww> Send us an email, and we can see.
<ph0n33z> Thanks
<Squintz> Is there any phone support? Could I call into my house and set the temperature with my voice?
<Cortexa> and have started shipping out of state in the past 3-4 months
<mwhistle> I will. I'd love to beta test.
<jbdww> No. Phone support is on the drawing board.
<Steve2> do you use Global Cache like the GC100 exclusively for IR?
<ph0n33z> What about HAL? Is it possible to use that with cortexa?
<Cortexa> it is so easy to access through the internet
<jbdww> Phone support will probably come when we add the Voice Mail support.
<ph0n33z> *feels embarrassed
<Cortexa> you can be in your system in 15 seconds
<jbdww> Right now Global Cache is the only IR. We would love to hear from others what they like better.
<electron> Adding Asterisk for the phone side would be great (similar to the Pluto setup)
<smee> I use a USB-UIRT that I'm very happy with
<JerryDavis3000> Hal can control things that would allow you to trigger any cortexa event
<Squintz> Would it be possible to loan a system to a cocoontech staff member or member for a formal review?
<ph0n33z> So I could use the voice system of HAL in combination with the cortexa brain?
<ph0n33z> *holds his breath
<Cortexa> Squintz send me an email
<Cortexa> We have talked before
<electron> I would prefer to keep this kind of stuff between the company and CT staff
<Squintz> Yes we have
<jbdww> The cortexa is web-based, so you can use web links to control devices, or events.
<Squintz> I get the hint electron
<ph0n33z> So how do the touchscreens interface with the system?
<ph0n33z> Are they browser based?
<ph0n33z> are they instances?
<ph0n33z> what are they actually running
<ph0n33z> or showig
<ph0n33z> showing
<jbdww> The Touch Screen is Linux based, and user interface is writen in c.
<JerryDavis3000> Ethernet connection and Lunix and Windows CE
<jbdww> The touch screen uses the cortexa web-server to control devices, and receives broadcast message for feedback.
<ph0n33z> So could I use any touchscreen that supports linux or windows ce?
<ph0n33z> BAsically, I find the current touchscreen option a bit expensive
<ph0n33z> and would prefer 3rd party options
<jbdww> Not on Linux, but you could use our Windows CE app.
<WayneW> are prices published?
<ph0n33z> yes
<ph0n33z> on the new touchscreen
<JerryDavis3000> The expense is paltry compared to ELAN, AMX, Crestron
<ph0n33z> $1200 I believe
<ph0n33z> around there
<electron> Can you give us an example of a typical setup
<electron> pricing that is
<Doo> Guys, what is the url for this chat?
<ph0n33z> there is one on the site electron
<electron> click the chat button on the CT page
<electron> or use
<electron> (with an IRC client)
<ph0n33z> towards the bottom of the page
<jbdww> Also here is our compatible list.
<ph0n33z> I had a question regarding your example system
<jbdww> The cortexa also supports two years of logs for a typical house.
<ph0n33z> What audio system is included in the $8000 system
<JerryDavis3000> phOn33z, rod will get that one, hang on
<ph0n33z> thanks!
<AutomatedOutlet> none i would guess "Assumes utilization of existing receiver and speakers "
<jbdww> The audio system is NUVO.
<WayneW> I don't see a price list on the web
<ph0n33z> Which model?
<ph0n33z> concerto or
<jbdww> Yes. I beleive it is the Concerto.
<JerryDavis3000> You can control existing IR components with Global cache interface
<jbdww> Yes, or the NUVO system.
<ph0n33z> Is there going to be support for russound?
<smee> I'm calling it a night, guys. One hour of sleep last night has run out. Thanks for the info - I'll leave the chat running so I can catch up in the morning.
<elcano> I dont see specific prices there. Just a table with possible scenarios and a price request form.
<jbdww> Yes. RusSound is on our list.
<electron> nite smee
<Steve2> so those prices, like the $7995 figures in the 'retail' price of the listed system, like the audio figures a Nuvo price, camera figures an approximate camera cost, etc?
<ph0n33z> $7,595 hehe
<ph0n33z> sry
<ph0n33z> lol
<jbdww> I wish we could show off our new touch screen. It is very nice.
<ph0n33z> so do I
<Cortexa> we do not post our prices on the web
<Cortexa> we will send upon request
<WayneW> thanks
<jbdww> The new touch screen has hardly any angle limitations, and you can see it accross the room.
<ph0n33z> If I were to use 3rd party touchscreens, what wiring would be required
<Steve2> I am taking aboutthe approximate cost listed at
<Cortexa> or put together a system that with pricing based on specifications
<ph0n33z> what touch system is it?
<ph0n33z> touch tech
<jbdww> We have our own touch screen. We manufacture here localy.
<ph0n33z> Yes, but what touch type system is it
<ph0n33z> such as
<Steve2> it is SAW
<Cortexa> Steve2, yes that figures in all the prices of the sub-systems
<ph0n33z> o
<ph0n33z> ok
<jbdww> Yes. Thanks you Steve2.
<Steve2> like the elo intellitouch, all glass
<ph0n33z> awesome
<electron> You guys mentioned that the DIY'ers are your market?
<ph0n33z> thats what I wanted to hear
<ph0n33z> hehe
<jbdww> It is an ELO Surface Aqustice Wave touch screen.
<ph0n33z> In order to use a touchscreen, does it need to be a "pc", or can it just be a monitor
<ph0n33z> can you use some type of video card distribution
<Cortexa> yes self installers are very important to us
<jbdww> The cortexa does not have any video out. You will need a touch screen that has either our code running on it, or a web browser.
<ph0n33z> so any tablet pc would work?
<ph0n33z> lol
<jbdww> The VGA port on the back of the cortexa is only used as a console to do things like reset to factory default.
<ph0n33z> aww
<ph0n33z> is there any intention to allow video out in the future?
<JerryDavis3000> If the tablet runs a browser, yes
<ph0n33z> sucha s radio red
<ph0n33z> rad-io
<Steve2> so your TS essentially runs a browser in kiosk mode?
<WayneW> what is the minimum system required to start with and what price?
<jbdww> Our touch screen uses our Code, to talk to the cortexa.
<Cortexa> The Coretxa 7201 is $1795
<Chakara> What about upgrades? If you buy a "low end" version to begin with and want to expand...
<ph0n33z> I do not think there is a low end
<Cortexa> there is no low end or high end version
<ph0n33z> just the 7201
<jbdww> The Cortexa does support unlimited software upgrade VIA the web.
<ph0n33z> I am sorry, I am just not fully understanding the whole 3rd party touchscree otions
<WayneW> how much per Insteon lighting load? is UPB the same price?
<JerryDavis3000> Only two options to original Cortexa, Video and additional serial ports, you can expand to your liking from there
<jbdww> As for as what sub-system, that is up to the end-user. The can add on as the would like.
<Chakara> Well, for example want to add audio zones later, or hard wired cameras
<JerryDavis3000> Easy to add later, any device that we have drivers for or a self configured RS232 protocol soon
<Cortexa> Not sure what you are asking Wayne
<jbdww> You can use a third part web-tablet and use our Windwos CE app, or a Java based web-browser.
<ph0n33z> so what would the screen look like?
<ph0n33z> would it fill the entire screen
<ph0n33z> or be in a window
<JerryDavis3000> All new interfaces we develop will be available as device drivers
<electron> hey guys
<AutomatedOutlet> hey dan
<AutomatedOutlet> hi kyle
<Chakara> Hi all!
<Chakara> full house...
<JerryDavis3000> Hi Everybody
<electron> hey jbdww
<electron> hi JerryDavis3000
<jbdww> Hey electron.
<AutomatedOutlet> hi jerry
<electron> glad you guys could make it!
<jbdww> Electron. This is a great site you all came up with.
<Cortexa> Thanks for having us
<electron> thanks, it's only going to get better
<Cortexa> Before we begin we are going to start with a brief introduction
<Cortexa> Please read and then we will begin
<Cortexa> just one sec
<Cortexa> My name is Rod Stevenson Sales Director for Cortexa, our CTO and founder Joe Doran is with us as well is our Technology support Jerry Davis
<JerryDavis3000> So everybody, we are here to introduce you to the Cortexa Family of products and answer any questions you might have so lets have some fun
<jbdww> We put an introduction on the forum at the following link.
<Cortexa> Hi Madge
<AutomatedOutlet> hey madge!
<Cortexa> glad you could join us
<mwhistle> Hi...
<mwhistle> Found an email from you guys in my junk mail folder...sorry about that
<Cortexa> I hope everyone has had a chance to check out the Cortexa website and hopefully read some of the documentation
<AutomatedOutlet> from who?
<mwhistle> Cortexa
<ph0n33z> greetings friends
<Cortexa> Hey Corey
<ph0n33z> Hello
<elcano> hi everybody.
<ph0n33z> Is this rob?
<Cortexa> Rod
<ph0n33z> think that was your name
<ph0n33z> rod
<ph0n33z> thats it
<ph0n33z> hehe
<ph0n33z> how are you bud
<Cortexa> very well thank you
<ph0n33z> Has this begun yet, or are we waiting on someone
<Cortexa> We have begun
<electron> for those who just joined us, Cortexa just started their introduction
<electron> go ahead
<JerryDavis3000> We are a little new at this so well just jump in
<ph0n33z> who is all here from cortexa
<JerryDavis3000> Thanks electron
<electron> Makes it a little easier to spot who works for Cortexa
<ph0n33z> Hellow Mr Davis
<ph0n33z> Do you guys mind if I start with a question?
<Cortexa> Since it is hard to present in a forum we will open this to questions
<JerryDavis3000> Austin based company lead by experienced technology leaders - technology leadership from Joe (Motorola background etc) . Business leadership from 2 senior ex Del (Billy ex head of Service marketing in US - Slagter - ex head of Dell Europe - both there from the early days at Dell - Slagter when it was PC's ltd)
<jbdww> My name is Joe Doran CTO of Cortexa Rod Stevenson Sales Director for Cortexa, is with us as well is our Technology support Jerry Davis
<Cortexa> go ahead Phon33
<ph0n33z> Does Cortexa interface with other software?
<ph0n33z> Such as theatertek, zoomplayer, etc
<ph0n33z> or any other software
<smee> OT - sorry - but I had (still have somewhere) an 8MHz PCs Limited AT clone
<jbdww> The Cortexa is a hardware/software solution that talks to other sub systems.
<electron> If you guys don't mind, lets give Cortexa a few minutes to give us some more details about their products, since not everyone is familiar with them
<ph0n33z> sounds good
<jbdww> The Cortexa is BSD based, and acts as a firewall/router/VPN and Home automation gateway.
<AutomatedOutlet> BSD?
<jbdww> Sorry. FreeBSD.
<jbdww> The product is 100% solid state.
<JerryDavis3000> We talk to security systems from Home Automation, Inc., GE Security and Networks and DSC All communication for these is RS232
<elcano> No Elk Products?
<jbdww> Elk is on the list next.
<ph0n33z> should we hold our questions
<ph0n33z> ?
<david0126> Yea!
<ph0n33z> hehe
<ph0n33z> Admins: should we hold our questions until he is done with the intro or as as we go
<Cortexa> Our system is agnostic in the sense that we interface with multiple manufactures for each sub-system
<electron> Yeah give them a few minutes until they are ready for questions
<electron> It gives everyone who isn't familiar with the product a chance to learn about it quickly, and ask questions as well.
<ph0n33z> I agree
<jbdww> The User Interface and setup tools are all accessed threw a web GUI.
<JerryDavis3000> We have a lot of lighting interfaces, mostly two way when they are. Insteon, Zwave, UPB, Lutron Homeworks and Radio Ra, Vantage, and yes even X10
<jbdww> This makes it easy for Windows Mac, and Linux people to use.
<Cortexa> all setup and configuration is very straight forward and simple
<Cortexa> no programming language to learn
<jbdww> We also have other interafaces like touch screens, web-pads, and TV modules.
<Cortexa> all done through drop down menus
<JerryDavis3000> No Software to load or get corrupted either!
<jbdww> You can look at it as a linksys router with HA built in. Just plug it in, and go.
<Cortexa> and once you buy a Cortexa you get software upgrades free for life
<jbdww> The box has 4 RS-232/485 ports and can come with up to 16 more ports.
<Cortexa> very easy to access remotely
<jbdww> You can also have 4 internal video/ or unlimited IP cames.
<jbdww> The cortexa does have a small amount of room to store streaming video based on a trigger.
<JerryDavis3000> We use Triggers for events that are automated, such as Sunset and Sunset + or -, weather conditions, UPB Links, security doors and motion detectors and many others!
<jbdww> Basicly any sub-ssytem that we talk to, you can create triggered events to controll other stuff.
<jbdww> The system can be hybrided to use any combination of lighitng.
<jbdww> We also talk to NUVO and Netstreams for Whole House audio.
<jbdww> And the Cortexa new a built in iTunes player.
<ph0n33z> cortexa new?
<jbdww> I figer this is enaough to get us started.
<Cortexa> We are open for questions
<JerryDavis3000> Accesses Itunes from any machine on the network!
<jbdww> Sorry I ment to take new out.
<ph0n33z> np
<ph0n33z> May I ask?
<AutomatedOutlet> who do you consider your biggest competition?
<jbdww> This is hard to say.
<JerryDavis3000> There are so many, we just keep working on making ours as robust as possible
<AutomatedOutlet> i'm trying to better understand your market
<ph0n33z> Are you targeting the audio/video market?
<JerryDavis3000> mid to high level homes
<ph0n33z> or are you more geared towards HA in terms of security/hvac/lighting
<elcano> How is it better than per instance, Pluto?
<JerryDavis3000> Audio is just one of the many systems that we integrate to give the end user a consistent easy to use interface
<JerryDavis3000> Video is in the future
<jbdww> Our goal is for the mase market say from the $200 to the $Mil.
<AutomatedOutlet> but who do you consider your competition?
<ph0n33z> hehe
<jbdww> We are still heavly learning and working very hard to lower the price.
<ph0n33z> What can we expect in the coming year from Cortexa?
<Cortexa> who would you consider our competition?
<Cortexa> based on what you have read
<ph0n33z> I suppose Homeseer
<bravesirrobbin> Digital Media Research for instance (Offer an all in one solution)
<AutomatedOutlet> It's pretty straightforward. On the retail side the biggest competition is Smarthome. on the dealer side it's worthington
<elcano> Any other interfaces besides serial?
<elcano> What about relays, digital or analog inputs?
<ph0n33z> maybe we should not ask more questions until the previous has been answered
<mwhistle> Exceptional Innovation
<JerryDavis3000> Those are distributors mainly though Smarthome has a lighting system of their own
<jbdww> HomeSeer is more Windows based, and requires software install unless you are talking about there PRO box.
<dwayne> Why sell server hardware too? Your BSD on a DOM module (nice approach by the way) could go into alot of hardware thats already out there.
<mwhistle> Lifeware
<JerryDavis3000> We interface through ethernet as well when possible or feasible
<electron> I would say that the HST PRO-100 is the closest match
<electron> then the Pluto setup
<jbdww> We sell both the hardware/software in one package. We do not sale the software alone.
<JerryDavis3000> We control serial relays in banks of 8 or 16 with up to 4 banks
<AutomatedOutlet> jerry, no, you asked me who my competition was - I was answering you.
<JerryDavis3000> Also we interface to rain eight (mainly for irrigation) up to 2048 zones on a single RS232 connection
<ph0n33z> what about support for 3rd party touchscreens, tablet pcs?
<elcano> Do sell the serial relays or have approved 3rd party vendors?
<JerryDavis3000> Sorry Automated Outlet, I was asking who you thought OUR competition was, thanks
<AutomatedOutlet> oh, i'm not exactly sure because quite honestly i don't understand your product well enough at this point
<JerryDavis3000> We have our own interfaces, but any that will run a browser will work
<mwhistle> How user/dealer customizable is your Web GUI and touchscreen interface?
<jbdww> We do have a Windows CE interface, and a Windows Interface, and comming soon Windows MCE.
<ph0n33z> ok
<ph0n33z> that was my next questions whistle hehe
<JerryDavis3000> Not customizable, We provide a consistent accross all of our interfaces to make it easy for the end user
<JerryDavis3000> Don't forget the Inwall Linux Touchscreens
<mwhistle> I'm just wondering out loud if there's a possibility we could stack MainLobby on top of this. At that point, I could hardly resist.
<jbdww> We are adding things very shortly like TTS, Voice Mail, DVR.
<JerryDavis3000> It's been done
<ph0n33z> easily or
<electron> which TTS engines will you be supporting ?
<jbdww> We also have Global Cahce Support, which you can create your own custom remotes.
<AutomatedOutlet> jerry, are you positioning this as a kind of "modern JDS" type controller?
<JerryDavis3000> Way modern
<AutomatedOutlet> understood
<JerryDavis3000> I used to use that interface extensively
<AutomatedOutlet> i know JDS hasn't updated much in quite a while but I'm still trying to understand the market
<jbdww> Just a reminder, that the cortexa is a full fledge firewall/router/vpn.
<jbdww> I might get in troble saying this, but the router part can compete with cisco very easly.
<ph0n33z> Earlier you spoke of video support. What are your plans for this?
<JerryDavis3000> MASS MARKET, everyone who wants to have an affordable, and reliable way to control everything in the home from inside or outside the house
<jbdww> You can view live and recoreded streaming vido from anywhere.
<Squintz> sorry im late
<Steve2> can you give us more detail on how you would work with MainLobby or the abibility to use other GUI. Do you have an api or serial control. Wouldn't ML need a plugin to talk to your system?
<ph0n33z> How does that work jb?
<JerryDavis3000> Welcome in Squintz
<jbdww> Which brings me to say that you can remotly access the Cortexa from anywere.
<Cortexa> Automated Outlet the people who understand and know about automation the most are high end builders and integrators that know Crestron and AMX
<JerryDavis3000> A guy in San Antonio used a button on main Lobby to call the Cortexa interface
<jbdww> The cortexa supports a list of dyndns so there is no monthly charges to remote access the cortexa.
<electron> I don't agree with that statement Cortexa
<ph0n33z> What whole house audio solutions do you currently support?
<Cortexa> in the mass market most don't know WHA that much
<JerryDavis3000> WE know a little about them
<jbdww> electron. Which one.
<electron> about the people who understand HA the most
<Cortexa> let me restate
<elcano> yes, please
<JerryDavis3000> That may be true Electron, I went to a IEEE meeting and half the audience was looking for a job and had automation in thier homes
<elcano> They know how to sell. Thats true.
<Cortexa> Home automation is not something that most people are familiar with
<Steve2> so, you can call the cortexa interface from another system, but you can't use their gui to access your core
<electron> The stuff Creston and such are selling now is stuff that DIY'ers have been doing for years
<electron> they are just making it mainstream, for a lot of money
<JerryDavis3000> Absolutely
<bravesirrobbin> With emphasis on "lot of money"!
<ph0n33z> yes
<ph0n33z> lol
<jbdww> Just an FYI on stablility of the product. I have one that has been up for almost two years with out a re-boot.
<Squintz> Okay I did not miss much and think I am about cought up.
<electron> I run several BSD based machines as well, they are definitely rock solid, uptime expressed in years as well
<mwhistle> Sorry to nit, but who is this guy in San Antonio? I may want to pay him a visit.
<jbdww> Steve2. I am sorry. Can you clearify.
<AutomatedOutlet> can you tell us a little about your UPB support? are you also sending and receiving links?
<jbdww> I have a Sun Sparc that has been up now for four years.
<JerryDavis3000> Many of the things that DIY'ers do are just no comprehensible to the biggest part of the market, they don't have the time or the technical expertise
<Cortexa> madge send me an email and I will give you his info
<jbdww> Once setup, the cortexa hardly ever dies.
<jbdww> Sorry for my speeling. I type faster then my mind.
<ph0n33z> dont we all
<Cortexa> do you still have my info madge?
<Steve2> I get the impression that you can use MainLobby to call up your GUI but not that you can use ML exclusively as the interface to control your system, is that correct?
<Squintz> Cortexa, I noticed in a video that you touch screens were using a very simple text based interface and not much in the way of cool graphics. Is this a limitation of your system or are there better touch screen interfaces available?
<ph0n33z> Mainlobby does nto support HA
<ph0n33z> just the DVD and audio side of things
<ph0n33z> afaik
<Steve2> I know that
<ph0n33z> ok
<mwhistle> Oh yes it does
<ph0n33z> ??
<ph0n33z> forgive me
<jbdww> The way the cortexa is designed, everything boots into memory, and the flash memory is loced for read only.
<JerryDavis3000> Squintz, simple is better
<ph0n33z> Simple may be better for most, but for DIY'ers we like customizable interfaces
<Squintz> I like the gaphics for so i can wow my party guest.
<jbdww> The only thing that gets saved to the flash card is setting,logs, and captured images.
<elcano> But simple does not catch the eye of the mass market.
<elcano> Its kind of DIY
<ph0n33z> If I may be honest, the GUI is the only thing keeping me from choosing cortexa
<mwhistle> Me too
<Cortexa> The most important thing that is customizable about Cortexa is it's unlimited ability to customize events
<jbdww> We try the hardest to do the KISS factore, so it is easy to use.
<ph0n33z> I understand that
<ph0n33z> but why not offer the option for people to create their own GUI?
<ph0n33z> if they choose to
<Cortexa> remember the whole point about automation is to have things happen without having to interface with the system at all
<ph0n33z> We realize it seems like a small thing
<jbdww> Since it acts as a router, we try to keep it hack free, some custom GUI goes away.
<elcano> OK. So please talk us about the events. How is the conditional logic> How do you configure it?
<jbdww> Now the touch screen on the other hand does support skins.
<ph0n33z> it does?
<ph0n33z> *is confused
<jbdww> We just do not have the IDE for the end user yet.
<ph0n33z> will I ever be able to create my own GUI in photoshop for my touchscreens?
<Squintz> I don't mind the text based selections, but I was not happy with the blue background that seemed very old age technology
<jbdww> We are trying to keep the GUI the same from web-interface to Touch screen to keep it simple for the end user.
<AutomatedOutlet> earlier you talked about UPB. Do you also control and receive the links?
<jbdww> Yes. On UPB.
<jbdww> In fact you can import the list from the UPB tool direcly into the Cortexa.
<AutomatedOutlet> so you can act on incoming links to trigger rules and also send out links?
<AutomatedOutlet> that's very cool
<Squintz> How is Z-wave controlled? With what hardware and is it built in to the system or external to the system?
<jbdww> Yes you can. It has 100% UPB support.
<JerryDavis3000> Elcano the logic is pretty much everything you would expect, with triggers for events, conditions on everyline of the macro and ability to run events from another event for subroutines
<AutomatedOutlet> UPB will be required for professional installers
<jbdww> My house is a hybred of UPB Inston, and Radio RA.
<ph0n33z> What about intercom support?
<AutomatedOutlet> radioRA too
<jbdww> I realy like UPB for its linking ability.
<AutomatedOutlet> yes
<jbdww> Intercom is for sure on the list.
<ph0n33z> how would that be implemented?
<jbdww> Yes. Radio Ra, HomeWorks, And Vantage.
<Cocooner57> hello
<Steve2> soCortexa can import your UPB switch network and controll devices directly as well without using links?
<JerryDavis3000> PhOn33z, we are still working on that one, but jbdww will be able to do it when the time is right
<jbdww> We also have weather support via the internet,or weahter davis pro/pro2
<ph0n33z> Will that require an upgraded touchscreen system with a built in mic? OR would we be able to use the older models
<jbdww> You can use the UPB linking tool, to create your links, and then import the file it produces right into the Cortexa.
<JerryDavis3000> Yse to the UPB import, it pulls in all the devices and links and you can call them from a line in a event macro
<Squintz> Can you control Denon, Sony or Panasonic A/V equipment via their serial port protocols?
<jbdww> Squintz Yes, and No.
<ph0n33z> hehe
<Doo> I want to particpate in discussion but need to use PocketPC. Any recommendations
<jbdww> We are fixing to relase a new version that allows you to send your custom RS-232 commands.
<jbdww> And receive RS-232 commands for triggers.
<Steve2> how flexible are your timers - like countdown timers, reminders every x days, etc?
<Squintz> Any RFID in the works?
<jbdww> We are working on srinking our screen down to fit into a pocket PC or Pocket Phone.
<jbdww> We will have both a web interface, and a .net application that will run on the pocket PC.
<ph0n33z> Can we count on these "hoping to release" statements, or is this all still on the drawing board?
<smee> will receiving RS-232 commands include parsing them, e.g., interpret "S1+" as input number 1 (of some board) turned on
<jbdww> The release means it is already done, and needs to be tested.
<Squintz> [21:48] <Squintz> How is Z-wave controlled? With what hardware and is it built in to the system or external to the system?
<smee> without putting in every string "S1+" through "S128+"
<jbdww> I mean hope to release.
<AutomatedOutlet> how long has this system been shipping?
<ph0n33z> What about beta testing?
<ph0n33z> for end users
<jbdww> You can use either the Z-Wave USB device, or the Z-Wave rs-232 device.
<JerryDavis3000> Steve2, All available, as many flags as needed to countdown or set state, as well as daily triggers configurabable to skip 1 to 7 days, weekly triggers for specific days of the week, etc.
<jbdww> We currently have almost 50 beta testers our there right now.
<ph0n33z> Would it be possible to become a beta tester?
<ph0n33z> *hint hint
<ph0n33z> hehe
<Cortexa> We have used Austin as our starting grounds
<jbdww> Send us an email, and we can see.
<ph0n33z> Thanks
<Squintz> Is there any phone support? Could I call into my house and set the temperature with my voice?
<Cortexa> and have started shipping out of state in the past 3-4 months
<mwhistle> I will. I'd love to beta test.
<jbdww> No. Phone support is on the drawing board.
<Steve2> do you use Global Cache like the GC100 exclusively for IR?
<ph0n33z> What about HAL? Is it possible to use that with cortexa?
<Cortexa> it is so easy to access through the internet
<jbdww> Phone support will probably come when we add the Voice Mail support.
<ph0n33z> *feels embarrassed
<Cortexa> you can be in your system in 15 seconds
<jbdww> Right now Global Cache is the only IR. We would love to hear from others what they like better.
<electron> Adding Asterisk for the phone side would be great (similar to the Pluto setup)
<smee> I use a USB-UIRT that I'm very happy with
<JerryDavis3000> Hal can control things that would allow you to trigger any cortexa event
<Squintz> Would it be possible to loan a system to a cocoontech staff member or member for a formal review?
<ph0n33z> So I could use the voice system of HAL in combination with the cortexa brain?
<ph0n33z> *holds his breath
<Cortexa> Squintz send me an email
<Cortexa> We have talked before
<electron> I would prefer to keep this kind of stuff between the company and CT staff
<Squintz> Yes we have
<jbdww> The cortexa is web-based, so you can use web links to control devices, or events.
<Squintz> I get the hint electron
<ph0n33z> So how do the touchscreens interface with the system?
<ph0n33z> Are they browser based?
<ph0n33z> are they instances?
<ph0n33z> what are they actually running
<ph0n33z> or showig
<ph0n33z> showing
<jbdww> The Touch Screen is Linux based, and user interface is writen in c.
<JerryDavis3000> Ethernet connection and Lunix and Windows CE
<jbdww> The touch screen uses the cortexa web-server to control devices, and receives broadcast message for feedback.
<ph0n33z> So could I use any touchscreen that supports linux or windows ce?
<ph0n33z> BAsically, I find the current touchscreen option a bit expensive
<ph0n33z> and would prefer 3rd party options
<jbdww> Not on Linux, but you could use our Windows CE app.
<WayneW> are prices published?
<ph0n33z> yes
<ph0n33z> on the new touchscreen
<JerryDavis3000> The expense is paltry compared to ELAN, AMX, Crestron
<ph0n33z> $1200 I believe
<ph0n33z> around there
<electron> Can you give us an example of a typical setup
<electron> pricing that is
<Doo> Guys, what is the url for this chat?
<ph0n33z> there is one on the site electron
<electron> click the chat button on the CT page
<electron> or use
<electron> (with an IRC client)
<ph0n33z> towards the bottom of the page
<jbdww> Also here is our compatible list.
<ph0n33z> I had a question regarding your example system
<jbdww> The cortexa also supports two years of logs for a typical house.
<ph0n33z> What audio system is included in the $8000 system
<JerryDavis3000> phOn33z, rod will get that one, hang on
<ph0n33z> thanks!
<AutomatedOutlet> none i would guess "Assumes utilization of existing receiver and speakers "
<jbdww> The audio system is NUVO.
<WayneW> I don't see a price list on the web
<ph0n33z> Which model?
<ph0n33z> concerto or
<jbdww> Yes. I beleive it is the Concerto.
<JerryDavis3000> You can control existing IR components with Global cache interface
<jbdww> Yes, or the NUVO system.
<ph0n33z> Is there going to be support for russound?
<smee> I'm calling it a night, guys. One hour of sleep last night has run out. Thanks for the info - I'll leave the chat running so I can catch up in the morning.
<elcano> I dont see specific prices there. Just a table with possible scenarios and a price request form.
<jbdww> Yes. RusSound is on our list.
<electron> nite smee
<Steve2> so those prices, like the $7995 figures in the 'retail' price of the listed system, like the audio figures a Nuvo price, camera figures an approximate camera cost, etc?
<ph0n33z> $7,595 hehe
<ph0n33z> sry
<ph0n33z> lol
<jbdww> I wish we could show off our new touch screen. It is very nice.
<ph0n33z> so do I
<Cortexa> we do not post our prices on the web
<Cortexa> we will send upon request
<WayneW> thanks
<jbdww> The new touch screen has hardly any angle limitations, and you can see it accross the room.
<ph0n33z> If I were to use 3rd party touchscreens, what wiring would be required
<Steve2> I am taking aboutthe approximate cost listed at
<Cortexa> or put together a system that with pricing based on specifications
<ph0n33z> what touch system is it?
<ph0n33z> touch tech
<jbdww> We have our own touch screen. We manufacture here localy.
<ph0n33z> Yes, but what touch type system is it
<ph0n33z> such as
<Steve2> it is SAW
<Cortexa> Steve2, yes that figures in all the prices of the sub-systems
<ph0n33z> o
<ph0n33z> ok
<jbdww> Yes. Thanks you Steve2.
<Steve2> like the elo intellitouch, all glass
<ph0n33z> awesome
<electron> You guys mentioned that the DIY'ers are your market?
<ph0n33z> thats what I wanted to hear
<ph0n33z> hehe
<jbdww> It is an ELO Surface Aqustice Wave touch screen.
<ph0n33z> In order to use a touchscreen, does it need to be a "pc", or can it just be a monitor
<ph0n33z> can you use some type of video card distribution
<Cortexa> yes self installers are very important to us
<jbdww> The cortexa does not have any video out. You will need a touch screen that has either our code running on it, or a web browser.
<ph0n33z> so any tablet pc would work?
<ph0n33z> lol
<jbdww> The VGA port on the back of the cortexa is only used as a console to do things like reset to factory default.
<ph0n33z> aww
<ph0n33z> is there any intention to allow video out in the future?
<JerryDavis3000> If the tablet runs a browser, yes
<ph0n33z> sucha s radio red
<ph0n33z> rad-io
<Steve2> so your TS essentially runs a browser in kiosk mode?
<WayneW> what is the minimum system required to start with and what price?
<jbdww> Our touch screen uses our Code, to talk to the cortexa.
<Cortexa> The Coretxa 7201 is $1795
<Chakara> What about upgrades? If you buy a "low end" version to begin with and want to expand...
<ph0n33z> I do not think there is a low end
<Cortexa> there is no low end or high end version
<ph0n33z> just the 7201
<jbdww> The Cortexa does support unlimited software upgrade VIA the web.
<ph0n33z> I am sorry, I am just not fully understanding the whole 3rd party touchscree otions
<WayneW> how much per Insteon lighting load? is UPB the same price?
<JerryDavis3000> Only two options to original Cortexa, Video and additional serial ports, you can expand to your liking from there
<jbdww> As for as what sub-system, that is up to the end-user. The can add on as the would like.
<Chakara> Well, for example want to add audio zones later, or hard wired cameras
<JerryDavis3000> Easy to add later, any device that we have drivers for or a self configured RS232 protocol soon
<Cortexa> Not sure what you are asking Wayne
<jbdww> You can use a third part web-tablet and use our Windwos CE app, or a Java based web-browser.
<ph0n33z> so what would the screen look like?
<ph0n33z> would it fill the entire screen
<ph0n33z> or be in a window
<JerryDavis3000> All new interfaces we develop will be available as device drivers