Voice Modems

It seems that there are quite a lot of voice modems out there from five dollars to hundreds. What features am I looking for when buying one for homeseer and why are prices so extreme?
If your wanting to use it with Homeseer to get the best results and less trouble you only have two choices.

#1 PCI modem either the Hal modem or a used Homeseer modem (their out of stock and unkown restocking date) They are the same modem but only the hal modems seem to be available

#2 Spend around 300.00 and get the way2call. Its nice and their is a lot of comments on Homeseer board about this

HST used to recommend a certain Hawking Tech modem for use with HSP as it was the most compatible. Even this modem (I have one) barely works with HSP, so I suggest you try to find the HAL modem (Check with AutomatedOutlet, it's the only source I know), or go for the more expensive way2call system.

Exactly what do you want to do with this modem and Homeseer? Use Homeseer phone (answering machine, controls via telephone keypad, etc...) or just simply get caller ID information and display/store/announce it?
Exactly what do you want to do with this modem and Homeseer? Use Homeseer phone (answering machine, controls via telephone keypad, etc...) or just simply get caller ID information and display/store/announce it?

I would like to utilize all of the available features of Homeseer ....eventually and I would like to $$$$ only once.
I can't speak to the differences between the HAL and HS PCI modems (I'm using a Way-2-call myself), but a major factor in overall modem cost is the basic modem architecture. "Winmodems" use the main CPU for processing, and work only on machines running a MS OS (I have seen a "Winmodem" for Linux recently though). Basically, the software is doing all the work, and thus it does chew up a percentage of CPU cycles. "Normal" modems have hardare on the board to do the processing, thus the extra cost. They can be used with any OS, and demand less from the CPU.
AS long as you are not using INTERNAL answer, most any good modem with a connexant chipset should work. If you have to have INTERNAL answer then you are stuck with the HAL modem, or the HS modem, or of course the Way to call.

I use the AOpen FM56-PV with no problems.